12. Doubt

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Trina groaned but forced a smile on her face as she turned around to greet Robin Arryn. He had gotten taller, but still had that weaselly face that was so punchable. 

"Robin, thank you for coming." Trina offered as Bran saw Trina tense up as Robin hugged her but she forced that smile that Robin wasnt bright enough to know was fake. 

"Sansa!" Robin hugged her to and Sansa grumbled her response, not as good as faking as Trina. "I was surprised when I got the invitation." Robin remarked. 

"Why is that?" Trina asked innocently.

"Well I was hoping for a marriage proposal." Robin countered, Trina blinked back at him confused. 

"I'm sorry, I don't understand." Trina answered. 

"Well it was uncle Petyr's hope that I would wed you or Sansa. But I suppose-" Trina put up a hand stopping him. 

"No, Sansa... she..." Trina thought on that. "Dorne." Trina declared. 

"Dorne?" Robin countered his face scrunching up. 

"Yes, you see... there was a surviving Martell and well you know Sansa, she is just the sweetest and he is coming up after the wedding between Jon-" Trina informed him. 

"Aegon." Robin corrected. "Targaryen." 

"Yes, of course." Trina agreed. "And he is coming to, meet sansa and... you know how unions go." Trina offered. "I'm so sorry, but his proposal-"

"But uncle Petyr-" Robin began. 

"Such a tragedy that he died. I know." Trina agreed bringing a hand to her heart. "I will feel the loss of Petyr deep inside me." She agreed. "But we must all move on." 

"I suppose." Robin agreed. 

"Do enjoy Winterfell, so glad you are here... and early too..." Trina remarked as she led Sansa away. 

"That was quick thinking." Sansa whispered. 

"I could out talk Tyrion and he loved to talk, I can out wit Robin." Trina assured her. 

Jon looked around at the people that came to celebrate his and Trina's union. He didnt know what the Shelbys wrote in the scrolls but it certainly wasnt come for a wedding and while we toast to the new bride we plan Daenarys Targaryen's death. Yet they were here. He noticed their glares in his direction while smiles at Trina. He heard their whispers the are you sures, do you need help, are they holding Arya hostage and Jon couldnt stand it. 

Bran turned his head watching Jon march out into the cold. Trina was entertaining the guests and didnt see him leave so Bran wheeled after him. 

"Jon." Bran called and Jon's pace slowed as he twisted his feet in the snow. "Jon, they are just concerned. They know what Daenarys did to kings landing. They know you backed her. Of course they are hesitant." 

"I get it." Jon agreed. "But I don't like it." 

"Trina adores you. She will be a faithful wife-"

"I'm not worried about Trina, we talked," Jon assured. "When it's just us..." His words drifted off. "What its just Trina and me," he turned to face Bran. "it's like nothing else exists." Jon remarked. "I can forget, I can forget how stupid I was, how I didn't listen to my family, I can forget that she didnt ask for this union because she looks at me like she does and..."

"You can pretend that there were no looming threats and you proposed and she said yes." Bran offered. "I know you loved Trina, I know you thought she would never be yours because she was calling you brother, family, hours before she had agreed to marry you." 

"Northern values." Jon murmured. 

"You know what I got to winterfell, Trina told me that everything was going to be okay because you were the bravest idiot she ever met and you were going up against a dragon. She told me that we would be okay because Jon was going to save the day just like you saved her time and time again." Bran informed him and Jon glanced back at the castle. 

"They are going to talk, they are going to doubt, but as long as Trina doesnt doubt you, you two can trust in each other, I think when the time comes we can save westeros." Bran went on. 

"I don't want to let her down. I don't want to let any of you down." Jon remarked. 

"You have loved Trina for a long time... when I was, after my fall." Bran remarked. "You told me something... do you remember?" Jon stared back at him. 

"You heard me?" Jon countered. 

''You said Bran, I don't know that I know what love is but I think loves supposed to feel like this." Bran recalled. "What I feel for Trina. I can't tell her so I'm telling you. Because someone needs to know, my heart beats for her." Jon stared back at him. 

"You heard me?" Jon repeated. 

"I saw it. I see a lot now. I saw all the things I didn't catch when I was younger, I saw all the ways you ran to her."

"Did you see all the ways she called me brother and treated me like a real part of the family. How father- Ned Stark." He corrected stiffly. "He hated my irrational crush, knowing that Trina would..." Jon sighed remembering their kiss in the hot springs. 

"You love her. You don't need to convince everyone in the seven kingdoms that you love her. Just Trina. Just keep proving yourself to her. Forget the rest. Live in that just you two moment in time." Bran offered.  "Keep giving her all your love, girls like that sappy stuff right?" 

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