17. His & Hers

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Ada proudly walked Trina down the aisle. Everyone rose as Trina got closer, she was too nervous to look up from her feet, scared she would trip on the dress and fall on her face and that would be the end of that. 

"What did she do to her hair?" Sansa whispered. "It was perfect." Her hair had been in a complicated updo that adored but it didnt feel right. Small simple braids pulled back the pieces framing her face and were secured with a pin in the shape of a wolf. The dress was their mothers, it was still beautiful and fit quite well, Ada had only made a few alterations but the simplicity of the dress and the elegance of the shimmer was delicate..

Although Trina couldnt look up, wouldnt, she didnt want to see everyone's eyes on her. Jon couldnt take his eyes off of her. Finally when she met his gaze he couldnt place the emotions running over her. Fear? Love? Hate? Pain? He couldnt tell but she didnt look away from him as he took her hand and she moved up the steps. 

"You look so beautiful Trina." Jon whispered  holding her hands in his. She felt his calloused thumb running over the smooth of her hand. 

'Let it be known that Aegon of House Targaryen and Katrina of house Stark are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the Words.'

Trina didnt like that he said Aegon. Didn't like that he said Katrina either, no one called her Katrina unless she was in trouble but maybe it felt like they were. They were in too deep, trying to tread water, trying to gasp for breath before their hands were tied. 

'Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger.' They repeated.

'I am his.'

'I am hers'

'He is mine'

'she is mine,'

'from this day, until the end of my days.' they echoed, Trina let out a shaky breath,, she had yet to take her eyes from Jon, she loved her brother but everything changed after this.

'You may now cloak the bride with your protection.' Jon pulled his cloak off and wrapped it around Trina's shoulders. He stayed close, his hands running down her arms holding her hands again as he rested his forehead against hers. The cloak was of Targaryen nature, black with deep red inlay and the Targaryen sigil blazing red. But it smelt like Jon and felt like comforts of home.

'In the presence of your family and friends, I now bind your hands together, to symbolize your new union of love, trust and friendship." He bound their hands together.

"Dancing with our hands tied." Trina whispered staring down at their hands, Jon's head still against her. 

''Trina I want to be your last first kiss for the rest of lives.'' 

"Then kiss me." She whispered back and their union was sealed as his lips met hers. 

An awkward sort of clap went around the room. All knowing that this wasnt their choice but most weddings were not for love. It was that they still didnt trust Jon, Aegon. 


"Carrot cake." Jon said as he put a piece in front of Trina. 

"My knight in black." Trina mused. She looked at the cloak draped over his chair. Targaryen. She was a Targaryen now... heavens. She took a bite of her cake to keep her face from showing what was going through her mind. Marrying Jon was one thing but marrying Aegon Targaryen, that was a stranger to both Trina and Jon. Becoming Katrina Targaryen... 

"This is good, you try it?" Trina asked lifting her fork to Jon's lips. He took a bite lips dragging back along the fork. 

"It is good, I see why its your favorite." Jon agreed. But Trina's gaze shifted to her Uncle Edmure. 

"Hello uncle." Trina said as she rose up. 

"Trina, lovely as always." Edmure remarked. "I'm... I congratulate you." he offered awkwardly. 

"Thank you Uncle... Please enjoy the feast, might we talk more in the morrow?" Trina replied kindly 

"Yes, I would like that." Edmure agreed as he headed back to his seat as she sat back down. 

"That could have been worse." Jon murmured taking another bite of cake. 

"Certainly." Trina agreed leaning into him. "He always thought himself a gift from the Gods but he has been through it, just as we all have."

"Dance with me." Jon requested standing up and offering her his hand. She wiped the frosting from her lips as she rose. He kept a hand around her as they got to the middle of the floor. His hand dragged around her waist as she turned to him meeting his gaze. 

"Ignore them." Trina instructed as Jon's gaze flickered around the room. "Look at me, I'm cuter than them." She mused her fingers trailing along his jaw bringing his eyes back to her. 

"You are so beautiful, Trina." Jon whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck keeping his face close to hers. It was strange, moving with him like this but it felt natural at the same time. 

"Trina danced with Loras on your wedding." Sansa remarked. 

"She did and then she threw sweets at my sister." Tyrion recalled as he got up. 

"What are you doing?" Sansa asked. 

"I didn't dance with my wife on our wedding, I might as well dance with her at her wedding." Tyrion offered. "Might I have this dance?" Tyrion asked and Trina chuckled as Jon took a step back. 

"You gonna dip me like Loras did?" Trina mused as she spun Tyrion. 

"I realized how humiliating this is for me." Tyrion remarked. 

"Nonsense, everyone knows I like to lead." Trina offered spinning around her arms in the air next to Tyrion. 

"Thank you for humoring me." Tyrion declared glancing to Jon. 

"Of course!" Trina agreed as Ada and Sansa took his place spinning around and laughing in the middle of the banquet hall. 

"Did Trina ever tell you about our wedding?" Tyrion mused as Jon poured another drink. 

"Not much." Jon remarked. 

"It was a great night, messy night." Jon stared back down at him. "Loras, if I hadnt known better I would have thought he was flirting with Trina... dancing with her like Tommy is." Tyrion offered and Jon glanced across to Trina a laugh on her lips as Tommy fucking Shelby dipped her back before pulling her back up to him. "Cersei had a mini conniption when Trina started throwing sweets everywhere, it was a night to remember..."

"Excuse me Tyrion." Jon said distracted as he moved back to Trina but Ada blocked his path. 

"You are going to be good my Trina." Ada informed him. "She is my best friend and we have been through too damn much."

"I promise, Ada please-"

"She doesnt want to have to go through this again. My brothers already don't like you, don't give them a real reason to break your teeth Snow." Ada warned. 

"Ada, I love Trina. I always have." Jon reminded her. "Now, if you would please move so I can stop your brother from-" he waved a hand around and Ada chuckled stepping out of the way. "Thank you." Jon murmured. "Trina." Tommy's grip tightened but Trina pat his arm. 

"Thanks for the dance, Tom." Trina said  pulling away from him. 

"Call if you need me." Tommy told her. 

"Thank you, Tom." Trina coed as she leaned into Jon. Jon couldnt help but think that she fit so perfectly next to him. Her hand always fit right in his hand, her lips molded to his as though they were perfect together. "Not jealous, are you Jon?" Trina teased. 

"No, why would I be jealous that every man in this room looks like they would gladly fuck you on the table in front of me." Jon countered. Trina chuckled tilting her head up to him kissing him again and all his worries faded with each passing moment of her lips on his.

Dancing With Our Hands Tied // Jon SnowWhere stories live. Discover now