20. Truth & Lies

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"Sneaky one you are." Arthur remarked. 

"Thank you, can I join your peakys now?" Trina mused. 

"Not the foggiest what you mean love." Arthur countered with a wink. 

"You saw it." Trina remarked looking to Tommy. 

"Hell of a speech." Tommy agreed. "Questionable lords and ladies are headed out, an invitation was extended to those with confidence... but Lannister." Trina sighed she knew this conversation was coming. 

"I don't trust Bronn." Trina informed them as Bran rolled up. "I trust Tyrion and Podrick but they need to leave as well." 

"I spoke with Tyrion." Bran remarked. "They will head out within the next fortnight." 

"Good... why are you not happy about that?" Trina countered. 

"Tyrion gave me this." Bran held out a scroll.

"More demands?" Sansa countered. "As though she didnt ask enough of you." Trina broke the seal. "Well?" Sansa asked impatiently.

"Congratulations Katrina Targaryen," Trina read. "We are family now..." She bit at her lip as Sansa pulled the scroll from her hands. 

"We are family now and family means you are of blood and fire." Sansa read softly. "The north, the seven kingdoms are mine. You will do best to remember who the queen is, who has all the power.... bend before you break." Sansa whispered. 

"What do you want to do my Queen?" Tommy questioned. 

"Our father was a man of honor, everyone always said he never lied. But he lied and hid Jon's true parentage, he lied when he declared Joffrey, Robert's heir. He lied to protect his family and his home." Trina said distantly. "We lie." She declared moving to her fathers old office and writing a scroll. 

"What are you doing?" Bran asked. 

"Not fun being kept in the dark?" Trina mused glancing back at him. 

"The path I saw had changed, I'm in the dark too." Bran remarked. 

"Best place to be." Trina offered. "We send Tyrion back with a statement, a false statement of bending. We don't stop, we keep going. We fight and build up our allies." Trina informed them dipping the quill in the ink. "Petyr always told Sansa and I that they were all liars in the capital and they were all better than us." Trina recalled as she rolled the scroll dripping the candles wax on before taking the Stark sigil stamp and turning it in her fingers, she stared down at the wolf. "That statement isn't true anymore." she stamped the wolf down sealing the scroll. 

She held it out and Tommy took it, but he hesitated staring down at it. 

"Trust me." Trina instructed. 

"You are a Targaryen now." Arthur remarked. "That's a wolf."

"Yes, it is, because I still am." Trina agreed. 


"I understand," Jon remarked. 

"I want you there, but I want them to-"

"I understand." Jon assured. "I bent the knee, they don't trust me. Whatever you have planned though, please be careful." Jon begged. 

"Planned?" Trina mused. "I bent the knee." Jon stared back at her as she walked to the great hall. She moved through the remaining houses they hoped were loyal to her and the north, this would tell them if any were still loyal to the new queen. Trina sat down as Tommy and Luca sealed the doors. 

"I have bent the knee to Queen Daenarys Targaryen." There was a roar of distaste from every patron. A smug smile curved her face as Arthur started clapping and laughing tipping back in his chair. 

"Why would you do that?" 

"Whats the matter with you?"

"We trusted you!"

Trina smiled looking to Sansa at her right. 

"I could never be queen, you are far too sneaky for me." Sansa remarked. 

"I love your outrage." Trina declared standing up. "I love your passion!" There was a confused murmur as they settled in their seats again. "My father had a reputation of telling the truth but he knew how to play the game. As do I."

"What are you saying?" 

"As far as Daenarys is concerned. The north is hers, we bent. As I said, winter is coming." Trina assured. 

"Your father would be proud. Taking a stand for the north." 

"Thank you, I can't do it alone." Trina told them. "I trust you, I trust you all to be discreet and prepare, strengthen your lands and holding, your armies, but no one must know, as far as the rest of the world is concerned the north is Daenarys. We bent, I won't let her get a whiff of what we are planning. We in the great war, the last war, it is the long game. What do you say? Will you follow me into this, one last time?"

"AYE!" They echoed, fisting banging on the table.

"Winter is coming for Daenarys Stormborn Targaryen."

"All hail the queen of the north!" Arthur declared and there was the briefest of moments of silence as Trina stared back at Arthur. 

"ALL HAIL THE QUEEN OF THE NORTH!"  They echoed, their voices echoing and bouncing off the walls. 


"All hail the queen." Bran said raising his cup to her. 

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