21. Protect

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Queen of the north. All hail the queen. Ghost even howled his agreement.

The more time she spent with Jon the less she felt like her hands were tied. The more she felt like she was in total control, not only of herself but her people.

Being married was never what Trina expected. Not with Tyrion. Not with Ramsay. Not with Jon.

She had liked waking up next to him, liked the warmth of his body against her.

The lords and ladies had traveled back to their regions and started to reenforce their knights and strengthen their armory. In wait for the queen of the north's recall to arms.

Trina never wanted a crown but she had to admit she was getting used to it. Queen of the north.

Jon trained in the courtyard and got the men and women ready, basic defensive skills so start. Trina was always fond of a bow and arrow but Jon wanted her to know some more. For her protection, he assured as he moved his hands over her positioning her arms, widened her stance.

"I got a raven from Arya." Trina remarked as she griped the dagger in her hand. SHe didnt like one on one combat, she liked the distance, made it less personal. But then again she had enjoyed peeling Ramsay's flesh from his bone. That was very personal.

"Oh? Do I even want to know?" Jon mused turning her hips in his hand. "Stand side face, smaller target." he instructed still not moving his hands once she was in the right position. "What did she say?"

"Seven fucking hells." Trina informed him seriously.


"Thats what it said. Seven fucking hells." Trina declared.

"That's it?"

"That's it." Trina agreed holding back a laugh. Ghost ran back and forth in the snow before rolling around and scratching his back on the cold hard ground.

"Did it seem like a good seven hells or bad?" Jon mused running his hand along her arm lifting her blade.

"Is there a good way to say it?" Trina countered turning her cheek to look at him and she could feel his breath hot on her neck.

"Im sure we could test that." Jon mused leaning into her. Ghost ran through their legs tipping them over. Jon held onto Trina as she slipped into him laughing.

Trina hadn't thought about her own direwolf in ages. She had set Nymeria and Avalon free when Joffrey was being a little bitch. But having Ghost here she wounded where Avalon was. If she okay. If Nymeria and her were somewhere safe.

''They are happy''. Sansa remarked

''They are.'' Bran agreed hesitantly.

''What do you know?'' Sansa demanded

''Everything and nothing it seems.'' Bran countered. Sansa stared back at him.

''You knew Trina was going to accept I thought she was losing her mind.'' Sansa informed him. ''I didnt think two moons in she would be so content already.'' She added. ''Im glad. Dont get me wrong im glad that she is happy but...''

''Waiting for the other shoe to drop.'' Bran decided.


''Me too.'' Bran agreed. ''If she gets pregnant-''

''When. Trina will be great mum. She helped raise us.'' Sansa corrected.

''A baby changes things.'' Bran reminded her calmly. ''A baby will shift her priority.''

''Whats that supposed to mean?'' Sansa countered confused.

''Father bent and was killed trying to protect his family.'' Bran reminded her.


''Will protect her future children by any means necessary.'' Bran corrected calmly as he glanced back at Trina and Jon all smiles as Trina tipped back into Jon.

''You think she bend for real?''

''Father bent.''

''Trina knows whats at stake,'' sansa countered nervously.

''She will protect her child.'' Bran corrected her family. ''She will bend because breaking wont be an option.''

As the moons passed Sansa saw Trina and Jon getting closer saw that connection and real love forming. It only made her more worried when Trina got pregnant.

Trina would be a great mother. She had mothered her siblings for a long while. But Brans words echoed through Sansa and Jons minds.

Dancing With Our Hands Tied // Jon SnowWhere stories live. Discover now