4. Knight In Black

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Trina couldnt sleep that night though. She didnt like being kept in the dark. 

"I know you are not asleep." Trina remarked pushing open Bran's door. 

"I'm going to pretend I am though so you leave." Bran offered, a smile on his face but his eyes remained closed. 

"What is going on?" Trina demanded laying beside him. 

"You love this family. You love the north. You are a good leader."

"Thanks..." Trina said slowly. "But I'm waiting for the but..."

"But you are going to be faced with an ultimatum." Bran remarked. "One that will shift this family, change the north and prove who you are as a leader."

"Can't you stop with the riddles?" Trina countered. 

"Nope." Bran told her as she leaned into him. 

"Bran, it's bad isn't it?" Bran remained silent. "Tell me that." Trina demanded. 

"I think you will see the good in it, in due time." Bran offered. 

"I liked the little boy that had no filter and told me everything." Trina grumbled rolling out of his bed. "He didnt like riddles either now look at you. Fucking pandoras box, locked up tight."

"You know what they say about pandoras box." Bran remarked. 

"Some things are better left locked away." Trina mused. 

"Just keep an open mind for whats to come." Bran offered. 

"My mind is a labyrinth." Trina countered. "The thoughts racing through my head, the craziness that is consuming my thoughts is way worse than whatever you are hiding." Bran chuckled. "Right?" She countered leaning on the bed closer to him. 

"Go to sleep Trina." 

"Right!" Trina demanded. 


"Bran!" Trina whined. 

"Sleeping... I'm sleeping." Bran told her. 

"Can't you just lie and say yes Trina, I'm messing with you, everything is fine" she offered. 

"Yes Trina-"

"Shut up." Trina sassed swatting a hand through the air as she headed out. 

"Trina." Jon rasped, he was going for a walk to clear his head and she wasnt supposed to be here, she wasnt supposed to be walking around in the middle of the night because it was Trina that he needed to clear his mind of, think logically statistically. 

"Ever since Bran got his little magical bullshit," Trina began. "He is ever the mysterious one." She pushed her door open and Jon stared in at her. 

"You didn't take Lord and Lady Stark's chambers." Jon noticed. 

"Why would I?" Trina countered. 

"You were named the lady of winterfell. It would make sense..." Jon remarked but Trina shrugged. 

"I like my room." Trina offered. "Lots of memories..." she smiled back at him as she pushed her dresser aside. "You remember this?" Jon stared at the hole in the wall and memories flooded back to him.


"Why does your mother want us looking all pretty?" Theon asked as Robb's face was shaved clean. 

"For the royal family." Jon supposed. 

"I hear the prince is a royal twat." Robb declared. 

"Alright lads, all done." the barber remarked giving Robb's shoulder a pat. 

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