19. Winter is Coming

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Trina was still asleep when Jon woke up, still curled up next to him. Clothes still scattered around. He kissed down her body gently as she rolled to her back.

Last night had been fevered and frenzied all consuming almost like a dream. So he wanted to take to his time this morning. Feel every inch of her kiss every inch of her until their bodies were no longer strangers.

He worked his way down her body carefully slipping a hand between her legs to tease her clit with long skilled fingers. He smirked as her hips moved unconsciously in her sleep. He felt her wetness begin to gather and slid a finger into her and he let out a soft groan.

He brought his mouth down giving her clit a gentle lick as his fingers moved inside of her and she let out a moan and he smirked against her. He sucked at the sensitive nub pulling it into his mouth and she woke with a shout at she shattered.


''Good morning.'' He said kissing his way up to her lips.

''Oh my Gods!'' she laughed out wrapping her arms around him. 

''Last night went to fast." Jon  remarked softly his hand trailing along her side. 

"It did." Trina agreed locking eyes with him. She leaned up and kissed him possessively he kissed her back and it was like a dam broke all the barriers gone the heat of his mouth perfectly molding to her skin and she was on fire everywhere that he touched. He moaned into her mouth, trying to touch every inch of her all at once.

His lips trailed away from her going down her neck and chest, her hands trailed after him as he dropped down off the bed pulling her legs towards him and nipping at her thigh as she tipped her head off the tip staring down at him. He brought his mouth to her, swirling his tongue around her clit, hands gripped around her thighs, her body moving and shifting along the bed with every thrust of his mouth on her and in her. A smile curved his face as she moaned out before alternating sucks and licks before pulling away. A whine escaped her at the loss of contact.

"Jon..." She whimpered reaching down for him. He drove back in, tongue darting into her, her hips bucked off the bed involuntarily and he placed a firm hand on her stomach holding her in place.

"Don't move." He whispered.

"Jon...." She whimpered.

"Don't come yet." Jon instructed but the vibrations of his mouth moving against her, his voice between her legs had a wave of pleasure coursing through her. "Don't." Jon warned.

She whimpered out as her eyes fluttered shut and she couldn't help the cry that escaped her as his mouth was back on her clit and he inserted a finger into her. She moaned again as a second finger was added and a third, gently stretching her. His fingers curled as he sucked and licked and he could feel her trembling as her orgasm built. He smirked pulling away again.

"Oh no you don't get to come yet." Jon mused.

"Jon!" She begged as his lips came crashing into hers, his body on top of her pressing her into the bed. She tasted herself on his tongue.

 Without another word he plunged inside of her sheathing himself in one fluid moment. She began to whimper as he moved faster and harder fucking her deep into the mattress with a growl.

She moved her mouth wordlessly but he understood as her nails dug into his hips.

He moved faster. Harder. She clung to him as she came again the clenching of her walls around him sent him over the edge as he collapsed on top of her still deep inside of her.

''Good morning to you too'' Trina whispered. He kissed her neck as he pulled away. 


"Good morning, we thank you all for traveling so far to help us join in this union." Trina declared looking around at the lords and ladies. 

"Lady Stark," Tommy declared. 

"It's Targaryen now." Arthur sneered. 

"Or perhaps Snow?" Luca offered. Trina looked to Jon. She trusted him, it was everyone else that still hated that he bent the knee. 

"Yes, Tommy?" Trina asked instead as she turned her focus of them. 

"I think it best said in private. A word? Before you start?" Tommy offered. 

"After." Trina countered locking eyes with him. "We thank you all for coming, please enjoy winterfell and might we raise a toast to our new queen." Trina lifted her cup. Jon hesitated, confused but Trina's gaze was drifting around, a sweet smile on her face as she watched their faces. Those that rose their cups happily, those that begrudgingly, those that stared back at her in disbelief. The Shelbys. "To Queen Daenarys..." Trina held up her cup. "Winter is coming."

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