27. The Little Things

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Jump then fall // Jaime Lannister x Jurassic world crossover!

Jon balanced his hands on the root kissing her deeply. He smirked as he pulled back.

"Learned my lesson last time." Jon remarked pulling her down off the ass canopy and taking her spot.

"Jon!" Trina declared, he kept hold of her hand pulling her back to him pulling her up into his lap. He held to her ass with one hand running a hand over her thigh with the other keeping her to him as she held his face in her hands kissing him again. He felt her body roll into him as her fingers tangled in his hair.

"Feel better?" Jon whispered.

"Yes." She admitted as the hot springs washed over them one last time before they left for the capital. 

She knew it was likely a trap. She knew that running was smarter but the people of the north had put their trust in her to stand tall and brave. They had been training and preparing for moons. She thought she had more time. 

In all honesty Trina was scared. Yes building up their forces was what she wanted. What they all needed, to find their strength again after all the pain and suffering they went through. Finding their footing after the great wars. 

But now it was time to face a dragon. She had to be brave and strong for her people, for her family, for her daughter. 


They packed up and headed out. Lyanna was all bundled up completely giddy as she bounced in Trina's lap as they rode. It was a moons travel at the least and they didnt want to be exhausted when they got to the capital. 

But Trina's mind as spinning and she was a nervous wreck. The only thing that cleared her mind was Lyanna babbling happily as they rode or Jon holding tight to her at night telling her everything would be alright. \

But what happened if they won. If they killed Daenarys and her armies somehow. Then what? Trina didnt want to be queen. Queen of the north was one thing but the seven kingdoms surely there was someone better for it.

She worried that if this worked the people would want her to rule. She didnt want to rule, she wanted to go back home, to winterfell and live in peace with her family. 

She didnt think she was going to get any peace though.

"How did you know Trina was the one?" Sansa asked softly. Jon stared back at her. "I see the way you look at her, we all did for a long time. How did you know she was the one?" Sansa repeated.

She will make you feel like your body is champagne every time she touches your skin you will feel the pop and tingle bubble and fizz of excitement for that moment of release.

That was how Jon felt long before he was ever in her bed. It was the way she smiled, laughed, her heart. How she was always so perfect to him. How she had always treated him like family, real family. Not a bastard brother. It was how she was strong and smart, brave, a born leader and filled with compassion. 

"I just knew." Jon answered simply. 

"But how?" 

"It's all the little things." Jon remarked as they set up camp for the night. Trina handed off Lyanna to Sandor and seeing him with a baby was the cutest thing in the world, Trina had decided. 

"Stop that." Sandor barked back at her. 

"You like her and its so cute!" Trina declared. "She likes you too you know." 

"Fuck off." Sandor grumbled but he couldnt stop his smile as Lyanna babbled up at him. 

"It's cute, you two are so cute!" Trina went on. 

"What happens after this?" Sandor questioned softly. 

"I'm trying not to think about that." Trina admitted. 

"It's how she smiles and laughs, how she loves with her whole heart. It's Trina. There was never and will never be another person like Trina." Jon remarked staring over at her. "I felt like when they bound our hands together sealing us forever that she was going to hate me forever." Jon admitted unable to peel his eyes away from Trina and Lyanna. "But what started out as dancing awkwardly around each other, hands bound in a union she didnt want turned into real love." 

Dancing With Our Hands Tied // Jon SnowWhere stories live. Discover now