18. Don't Wait

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I want you to love Jon. Love him nofilter666 so if I do what you want... love him first!!


This was Trina's third wedding. Her first to Tyrion, he had threatened to remove Joffrey's cock before he allowed the bedding. Ramsay had Theon watch as he raped Trina. Now her third.

She stared back at Jon as he closed the door. She didn't know if she needed to say something, if he would take charge, or if he wanted to wait. He must have had the same thought from the look in his eyes as he stared back at her wanting her to make the first move.

"Help me with my dress." trina requested turning her back to him and lifting her hair. He moved to her pulling at the strings, his hands were warm on her skin as he exposed her back. She turned to face him as her dress clung loosely to her chest.

"Jon..." She whispered bringing a hand to his cheek. He closed his eyes leaning into her touch. "We can wait if you want there is-"

"No." Jon answered hurriedly. "I mean, not if... I mean if you want to." Jon told her awkwardly. "If you want to wait, we can wait."

"We don't have to wait." Trina told him and her voice was barely a whisper in the night. Her fingers danced down his shirt letting him decide. When he took her face in his hands and kissed her deeply, walking her back to the bed, she stepped on her dress as she moved and it slid down to her feet.

His hands griped her thighs lifting her onto the bed, hands sliding down her neck, gently touching every inch of her. He forgot he needed to breathe, because kissing her, breath was of little consequence.

He kissed her like he needed her breath to breathe and held nothing back.

Hands dragged along her hips before pulling at his pants, she panted for breath when his lips pulled away yanking off his shirt before consuming her lips again.

Her heart pounded as nails dragged along his back. He kissed at her chest nipping at her neck and she felt his cock pulsing against her begging for more.

She had been used by Ramsay, raped at his pleasure. But this, she hadnt done this before. A hand slid between her legs as his lips met hers again. A breathy moan left her at his touch.

Being in love with someone your whole life then being forced into this position, Jon had expected moons to years before this ever happened. He had loved Trina forever and he loved that her body reacted to him as it did. He felt the evidence of her desire dripping onto his fingers.

Fingers scissoring inside of her as their lips dueled for control. Her leg wrapped around him pulling him closer and he pulled his lips back, needing to make sure. After everything, he needed confirmation, he wouldnt hurt her. She eyes fluttered open as she pulled him back to her.

His hand moved from her to himself finding her entrance he moved in slowly but stopped at sharp inhalation. But she locked eyes with him as she nodded, he moved slowly as she adjusted to his size. Her hips shifted up towards him, a silent plea for more.

Moans echoed off the walls as skin slapped, heartbeats pounding in their ears, sweat forming on his chest with every thrust. His chest collided into hers as her body arched up to greet his touch.

Spots in her vision, walls fluttering and clenching around him, she felt his release as her shaky leg dropped to the bed. He lay against her as her arms stayed wrapped around him. Not another word spoken.

Her fingers trailed through his hair and down his back as he kissed her gently. She made to effort to move him as she closed her eyes. Jon kissed her again as he pulled out a mess of desire spilling between her legs. Jon rolled onto his back and she moved with him curling into his side.

So much both of them wanted to say but neither having the courage to say a thing. So they just enjoyed the high.

Trina fell asleep as her heart synchronized with Jon's but Jon stared down at her thinking back to what Bran had said.

Save Trina or the realm. The day might come, it might not be tomorrow or even this year. You have to save the realm this time.

Jon sighed holding Trina closer. He couldnt pick between Trina and the realm there was no choice. He would pick Trina. But he also didnt know what Bran foresaw.

He tried to forget, tried to focus on this moment, the here and now, Trina asleep, naked next to him. But that looming what if drifted into his mind. What if he had to pick the realm? What if he picked Trina and the world burned? What if he never had to choose... what if Bran was wrong and he got to be happy.

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