14. Protect and Destroy

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"Welcome to winterfell, Lord Hand Tyrion Lannister." Trina remarked dramatically. 

"Thank you for the invitation lady of winterfell." Tyrion countered. "My wife invited me to her wedding." Tyrion went on. "I don't know what to think of that." Trina chuckled. 

"I never thought I would marry again, so I didn't know what to think of any of it." Trina countered. 

"I'm glad you said yes." Tyrion remarked. 

"I wasnt about to let your dragon bitch kill Jon and burn the north down to a puddle." Trina informed him. 

"So you and Jon..." Tyrion offered hesitantly. 

"We... Jon and I...." Trina's lips twisted. 

"Well it's a start, plenty of time for love to grow." Tyrion offered. 

"I do love Jon." Trina corrected. "I'm glad you are here. Any dothraki or unsullied accompany you?" 

"Bronn and Podrick." Tyrion remarked. 

"Ah, Bronn..." Trina glanced back at them. "Podrick is welcome to stay at Winterfell as long as he likes." 

"What of myself?" Tyrion mused. 

"Might be a bit awkward." Trina reminded him. "Dragon bitch should be worried, I'm going to be like Aegon the conqueror and take a second husband. Or perhaps I should take a page from Davina Targaryen and start burning husbands...."

"I wouldnt consider her to be a role model." Tyrion remarked. 

"Yet you followed this dragon bitch. I thought fire blazing down was something you and Jon loved." Trina added lightly. "Davina Targaryen raised her children to be strong, Aegon, her eldest son was a good king. But he had a strong mother that defeated their enemies so his reign wasnt challenged and they were all safe... I think she had it right."

"Burning husbands or enemies?" Tyrion mused. 

"Protect what she loved and destroy what tried to hurt her family." Trina corrected. "Talk later Tyrion, please enjoy. Do be careful, you know us northerners are fickle and temperamental." she added walking off. 


There was something going on. Tyrion knew it. The people treated him just as they treated Jon. Like an outsider, the enemy. 

"Tyrion." Jon remarked. 

"Snow. Or should I say-"

"No." Jon muttered. "Please don't." He added and Tyrion nodded sparing a glance around the room. 

"Is Trina starting a Coup?' Tyrion whispered and Jon hushed him. "She is. Good Gods." Tyrion muttered. "That's why they look like they want my head!" 

"You are the hand of the queen." Jon murmured. 

"You are her blood." Tyrion spat back. 

"Hush!" Jon hissed. 

"As though they don't know!" Tyrion retorted. 

"They don't need the reminders." Jon murmured. 

"She is though. She is going to get-"

"No, there is no ploy, no coup, no anything." Jon challenged. 

"Ploys are not common knowledge, there need be no retaliation. She won't hear anything from me." Tyrion assured. 

"There is nothing." Jon assured unconvincingly. Tyrion winked up at him. 

"You can tell me, she scares me." Tyrion assured. 


"Well, yes." Tyrion admitted. "Both of them. But the capital..." Tyrion breathed out as he nodded for Jon to follow him to a more discreet location. "It's a fucking mess."

"I know." Jon murmured. "And it's our fucking faults."

"Yes, but you havent seen her since you left, you havent heard her. She is moving her control she is trapping Essos. The second sons, I saw a raven she was sending to Darrio Naharis, she wanted him to expand in the name of the queen. She wants the whole world." Tyrion remarked. 

"Damnit Tyrion." Jon muttered. "What did we do?" 

"I may have burned that raven," Tyrion said as he cleared his throat. "but she will send more. She will keep going. You either show her the north is no threat, that it bends or you take a stand."

"Me?" Jon countered. 

"You are the heir-"

"I relinquished my claims." Jon reminded him. 

"Look around you." Tyrion declared waving a hand around. "Look at all these people, willing and ready to fight-"

"They are here for a wedding." Jon corrected. 

"They are here for a wedding." Tyrion agreed. "But they are here for Katrina. Because the Stark name still means a great deal to so many people." Tyrion remarked. 

"What are you saying?" 

"I want whats best for Westeros." Tyrion remarked. "I thought that was Daenarys. I was wrong. I see now, what I should have seen before." He nodded to Trina talking with Podrick and Brienne. 

"Trina?" Jon asked following his gaze. "She never wanted a crown."

"Because she is smart." Tyrion agreed. "No person in their right mind would want control over the seven kingdoms. Starks were always smart like that. Ned Stark didnt want the crown, the throne. Jaime told me of that day. Jaime was sat on the throne after he slayed the king and Ned Stark demanded he get down. Jaime was a boy, they all were, Robert's mother had targaryen in her bloodline so when he claimed the throne it was a choice the people accepted. Those that hated Targaryens and those that didnt. He was and he wasnt but Robert was a fat, drunk, fool."

"Trina however," Tyrin went on. "She seemed more like your father. She is strong and driven, she has the peoples best interests at heart, she loves her family, loves her home, gathered everyone here for-"

"For a wedding." Jon reminded. 

"For a wedding." Tyrion agreed nodding along. "And they flocked to her because she is a leader she is, she might be, I think she could be-" 

"Say it Tyrion."

"Trina has only ever wanted to protect. Daenarys has done nothing but destroy since she got here. We both convinced ourselves it was for the greater good. All the bodies, all the ashes, she was doing it for the greater good. But she wasnt. She was going it for her." Tyrion declared. "Trina!" He pointed a finger at her. "She has a good heart, when the times comes... if that times comes... I will not hesitate to swear allegiance to Katrina Stark of Winterfell."

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