2. Kiss Kiss

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Many years ago

"He's my brother."

"Bastard brother Trina." her friend Ada reminded. "Go on, it's a dare you picked Dare!" she declared.

"If my mother sees." Trina began.

"Then tell her you are pretending to be a Targaryen and keep the bloodline pure!" Ada declared.

"That makes no sense." Trina countered.

"Shut up, you know what I mean now kiss him!" Ada pushed her forward. Trina walked across the snow, Jon heard the crunch of footsteps behind him.

"Hello Jon." Trina said sweetly as he put his sword down. "You are always training."

"I want to be the best." Jon told her confidently.

"You are already better than Robb, but I don't know that is a real accomplishment." Trina mused stepping closer.

"I won't tell Robb said that. His ego will be bruised." Jon teased he watched her getting closer and closer until her chest was pressed against his. "T-Trina..."

"Don't tell father." Trina whispered kissing him. As she pulled back Jon's eyes slowly opened as he stared back at her, his heart pounding in his chest and the sweetest of smiles on Trina's face as she pat his chest before turning around and heading back to Ada.

"Trina!" Jon called after her. She winked back at him as Ada grabbed her arm pulling her along.


"Oh," Tyrion smirked. "Well..."

"It was a dare." Jon clarified.

"Oh..." Tyrion's lips pursed. "Well thats less than ideal." He admitted.

"She kissed me on a dare and I was already in love with her, then she kissed me and that just solidified it." Jon declared as he got his horse ready for the long journey back to winterfell. "Then she was matched with Joffrey... I think she kissed me again just to anger father." Jon remarked. "She was never one to be pushed around. If father- Lord Stark," Jon corrected through clenched teeth. "-said I forbid you from going near Jon I'm almost certain Trina would have never stopped kissing me." Jon smiled at the thought.


'You said goodbye to Bran?' robb questioned coming up to Jon, they were headed out, Robb was to be the new lord of winterfell in his fathers absence.  'He's not going to die I know it.' Robb told him

'You starks are hard to kill.' Jon remarked

'My mother?'

'She was very kind.' Jon lied.

'I'm sure she was... Next time I see you you'll be all in black.' Robb remarked as Jon saddled his horse

'It was always my color.' Jon added,

'Farewell snow.'

'And you Stark.' they shared a warm embrace before Robb headed off. Jon stared back at Trina. "You are going to be married by the time I see your pretty face again." Jon remarked. Trina opened her mouth, stuck her tongue out and pointed a finger pretending to gag at the thought.

"I'm not marrying him." Trina assured hugging him tight. "I don't want you to go." She added not letting him go.

"I have an idea." Jon half teased as he pulled back just slightly so he could look in her eyes. "We stay here and wed. Make you a Snow. Father would be so proud." Jon declared and Trina giggled resting her forehead against his as her hands trailed down his face.

"I love you Jon, be careful." Trina whispered kissing him gently and Jon's grip on her tightened.

"I love you Trina." He echoed as she hugged him tighter.

'It is a great honor to be in the nights watch the starks have served it for thousands of years and you are a stark.' ned told Jon, 'you might not have my name but you have my blood.'

'Is my mother alive? Does she know about me? Where I am where I'm going? Does she care?' jon questioned hopelessly.

'Next time we see each other we will talk about your mother.' Ned promised before riding off.


"There was no next time." Jon remarked. "I kept thinking about that, what if, what if he had told me then?" Jon pondered. Tyrion stared back at him.

"What would it have changed?" Tyrion countered. "He was trying to keep you safe." Tyrion reminded him. "Robert sat the iron throne. Even after your father found out the truth, it was years of fighting before we got to where we are now." Not that now was better, Tyrion thought bitterly. 

"I know but.... I don't know." Jon admitted.

"I wish you the best of luck with Katrina." Tyrion offered as he held out a royal decree from Daenarys.

"Thanks." Jon replied grabbing the scroll as he hopped on his horse. "I'm going to need it."

The next moon of traveling gave Jon a lot of time to think and prepare. He tried to think of a speech, something that Trina would like, something that she would actually consider. But the closer he got to home the more anxious he got. The more he wanted to flee, to run and hide and never have to force this upon Trina. She had been through too much. She had been through two marriages, she was the lady of winterfell, something she never wanted. She didnt want a crown or title like Sansa did. Arya was already off, she took off across the narrow sea. What would she think when she found out Jon was throwing himself at Trina. Arya always knew about Jon's crush. He wasnt that discreet with his liking of Trina. Robb and Theon used to make fun of him. But Trina was always sweet to him.

But when Jon proclaimed for Daenarys, said she would be a good and just queen he saw that shift in Trina's eyes. That pain, almost like a betrayal against his family, choosing to follow the mad kings evil spawn.

You are thinking with your cock not your head. Trina had told him when he vouched for Daenarys. She is going to get you killed and I don't want to lose my brother.

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