25. Tear them Apart

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"You trust them?" Jon asked as Trina wrapped up Lyanna, swaddling her in a blanket and putting her in her crib. 

"I have to have faith that not everyone is bad." Trina remarked. "I have to see the good in the world still. The good in people, if I don't trust anyone... I don't want Lya to grow up in a world where she can't see the good around her, the good in everyone."

"I see the good in you." Jon whispered kissing her shoulder. "You are a great Queen." 

"I am only as good and useful as our people. We all have a voice and should be allowed to voice it. Daario voiced his and I'm glad I listened now the second sons have joined our ranks." Trina said as she released a happy sigh. "Things are looking up." 

Jon thought back to Dany's speech about no one getting to choose, just her. She was the only one that knew what was good and right. Because she knew what was good. He remembered the look in her eyes when she sat the iron throne, it was nothing less than vicious. 

Trina curled into Jon's side that night but his mind was racing. All the what ifs. What if they lost, what if the second sons turned on them, what if Trina or little Lyanna got hurt or worse in this mess. 

"I can feel your thoughts." Trina whispered running a hand over his chest. "They are very loud." 

"Trina I'm scared." Jon admitted and she sat up so she could see him. 

"Of what?" 

"Everything." Jon mused pulling her closer. "I don't want to lose you or Lyanna. I don't want you to get hurt. I dont know where is war is going. I dont want-"

"Hey, hey, look at me." Trina whispered hugging him closer. "We are starks. Through and through, and now we got Arya back. She's a little killer and very confident in herself. She still wants dragon bitches head. We keep going, we keep fighting and preparing. Long game remember? Neither of us get to die before the happily ever after." Trina decided as the door swung open. 

"Problem." Arya declared and Jon tensed. 

"I know this might come as a shock to you but sweet sister I could have been fornicating with my husband. Do knock next time." Trina offered. 

"Gross." Arya countered. 

"Just wait until Gendry gets here and I burst into your room." Trina remarked as she got up. 

"Gendry?" Arya questioned intrigued. 

"Lord of the storms end, remember him? Handsome, good fighter, your first fu-" Trina declared and Arya pinched her. "I ravened him when you got here. I assume within the next week." Arya couldnt hide the smile from her face. 

"I will knock next time." Arya agreed. 

"What is the problem?" Jon demanded anxiously. 


"Tell me again." Trina demanded as Jon paced. 

"The capital is rebuilt," Bran repeated having seen it while in Raven form. "her fleet and arsenal were the first things to be reinforced." 

"Because if she wanted peace thats most certainly the most important." Sansa hissed.   

"I saw her dothraki moving south towards Dorne. Her Unsullied moving east and north towards casterly rock and the riverrun and up into the eyrie." Bran went on. 

"What are they doing?" Jon demanded. 

"Making everyone submit." Bran offered vaguely. 

"They are massacring them." Arya corrected. 

"All of our allies," Jon rasped. "They are going to kill them all. They are going to make them bend or tear them apart." Trina couldnt breathe. It had been a year since Daenarys took over and they were getting stronger and more confident, especially with the second sons that they could win. Take down Daenarys and free westeros from another tyrant. This changed everything. 

"Will your people remain loyal to you?" Daario asked. 

"I don't... I don't want them to get hurt for trying to do the right thing." Trina reminded them. "I dont want them killed or torchured... We have been playing house for too long, playing defense for too long." 

"You want to march on the capital?" Jon questioned. 

"Can we tie scrolls to the ravens you possess?" Trina pondered looking to Bran. "You could get messages to people faster and I would know they are safe and secure if you are the messenger."

"Put me to work." Bran agreed. 

"When she realizes whats happening she will take her dragon and burn winterfell." Sansa reminded her. "That's why you were building up your defense." 

"It doesnt matter, the past year does not matter if she takes them all out or turns them against us. If even one person spills the truth... she might already be here." Trina realized as she looked to Bran. He nodded as his head tipped back and his eyes went white. 

"Prepare to move, I want winterfell cleared out within the next three fortnights. When she comes she comes for me, for us, for winterfell." Trina instructed. "We are going to war." 

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