8. Tradition

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"Well this is awkward." Tyrion remarked. 

Trina remembered it so clearly. She heard him saying the words but they didnt make any sense, just as they didnt make sense when Jon spoke them again. 

Trina was escorted down the aisle by Joffrey and he loved the bitter look on her face as he marched up the steps and took Tyrion's step stool. Trina had stared down at Tyrion as they said the words, neither of them meaning it or wanting to but knowing they had to. Trina had knelt before him and Tyrion stared back at her. Not expecting her to bend so easily, expecting her to push back, make him work for it but he didnt have to say a single word as she knelt before him. 

A wolf kneeling before a lion, Tywin had thought smugly. The north would be his. 

He had kissed her quickly and she offered him a sort of, kind of, semblance of a smile.

'So their son will be your nephew after you are wed to Joffrey of course,' Olena said 'and you'll be the king stepfather and brother-in-law when you marry the King's mother. Joffrey will become his sister-in-law and your son will be Loras nephew? grandson... I'm not sure but your brother will become your father-in-law that much is beyond dispute.' Olenna said and Loras stood up a knot in his stomach.

"Why do you look more miserable than me?" Trina asked coming up to Sansa. 

"You are married... to him." Sansa said disgusted. Trina glanced back at Tyrion as he poured another drink. 

"Yeah... I was there." Trina agreed. "I dont know how someone can look so beautiful and so miserable at the same time, it's a skill." Trina went on offering Sansa her hand. "Come on, it's my wedding, I don't want do have to this again so I want to drink and shove my face in cake until I explode and end the night in a cake comatose!" Trina declared. Tyrion glanced over at them. Trina didnt seem miserable at the thought of marrying him. Being married to him. Trina was beautiful. She was sassy and witty, quite wonderful but he knew she didnt want him. 

"Then lets drink and dance tonight away." Loras declared coming up to them. 

"Oh, Loras." Trina mused dramatically looking to Sansa and Sansa blushed leaning into Trina. 

"Come on." Trina said and Loras spun her around, buzzed smiles on their faces and not proper dancing at all was the only thing Tyrion could focus on and not run out of his own reception. Tyrion admired the way the dress clung to Trina as she moved. He caught her glance his way and he put his glass down for just a second before Loras dipped Trina back and she laughed out clinging to him as he pulled her back up. Tyrion tipped back his glass finishing another one.

"Where is the cake?" Trina asked looking around.  

"It's too bad." Loras remarked and Trina looked to him. "I think we could have had some fun." 

"Of course." Trina agreed "I'm the life of every party." she said with a wink as she spotted the cake. "What flavor?" 

"Chocolate." Trina's nose scrunched up. 

"Got anything else?" 

"Vanilla." Again she scrunched up her face. 

"You know I got no say in anything, you think someone would have had the decency to ask me about what cake I wanted." Trina sassed. "Where is the happy bride makes the night run smoothly mentality when I need it?" 

"Tart?" He offered holding out a blackberry tart. 

"Cake. I want cake. I want carrot cake. Why was I not consulted?" Trina questioned completely serious. 

'You seem rather drunk.' Tywin said as he approached Tyrion.

'Isn't it a grooms duty, a man's duty to be drunk at his own wedding?' Tyrion questioned over his glass.

Dancing With Our Hands Tied // Jon SnowWhere stories live. Discover now