Chapter 1: Jet Lag

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      The guests have dwindled slightly but everybody left is ready for our final sendoff. Spencer and I are in his room he's been staying in at Rossi's and we are gathering his things so we can leave. I'm also changing clothes out of my wedding dress and into my sendoff outfit. It's a short white cocktail dress and I just keep my shoes on that I wore all day. I walk out of the bathroom after changing and find Spencer pretty much done packing. His eyes light up and he smiles when I walk out. He says "hey, you ready to go?" I nod, walking over to him. I wrap an arm around him and tell him "I can't believe we finally did it." He chuckles "me either, let me take this to Morgan and he can put it in the car before the sendoff."
I nod, sitting on the edge of the bed. When Spencer leaves the room, my mom comes in and sits next to me. She hugs me and says "congratulations, sweetie. Your dad and I hope you two have a fabulous honeymoon. We have Ryder taken care of, don't worry." I smile and hug her back as she talks. She pulls back and says softly "I assume I don't need to have any sex talk with you, given the fact that you and Spencer have been living together for a while now." I scoff and laugh a bit awkwardly when I say "yeah mom, I'm good." My mom sighs and looks away, I guess mourning some perceived lost piece of purity culture. I sigh and grab her hand as I tell her "don't worry, mom, Spencer was my first and he will be my last if I have anything to say about it."
She smiles and says "sounds like your dad and me. We didn't wait until marriage either. Don't tell your grandmother that, though." I laugh at that and nod. She then says "I'm so glad you found such a wonderful man to marry. We love him like a son and he's definitely already proved himself." I smile and nod "he is pretty great." Spencer comes back in the room at this time and asks "you ready to go?" I smile and nod, standing up and grabbing his hand. I turn to my mom and tell her "you go ahead so you can be part of the sparkler send off." She nods and stands up to leave, giving each of us a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She says "I love you both, be safe and make good choices." We chuckle and nod, watching her leave and give her a few minutes to get acquainted with everybody else before walking downstairs to leave Rossi's house.
We walk out the front door where everybody is standing on the front steps or on the driveway below with sparklers, sending us off for our honeymoon. Spencer and I laugh the whole way down the steps, smiling and waving as we pile into the car. We leave Rossi's property and I breathe a sigh of relief. I tell Spencer "it's done, we did it!" He chuckles and kisses my forehead. I tell him "I'm just so tired of having to be social with everybody else, I'm excited to just have you all to myself for two weeks." Spencer smiles and nods "I can't wait either, Mrs. Reid." I feel butterflies in my stomach at his words.
        The driver takes us to a hotel near Dulles and drops us off at the lobby. Spencer and I get out of the car and the driver gets our luggage out of the trunk. We thank the driver who congratulates us before getting in the car and driving away. We pull our suitcases behind us as Spencer walks up to the front desk to check in to our room. Spencer handles it beautifully and as we are about to leave, the woman at the front desk asks "wait a minute? Are you two on your honeymoon?" Spencer and I make eye contact and I blush as I nod "yes, we are. Just got married today." The woman smiles and says "congratulations, if there's anything I can do to make your stay with us the best possible, please let me know." We smile and thank her before finding the elevator to go up to our hotel room.
          Spencer easily opens the door to the hotel room and we quickly set down our stuff. I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck, planting a long and loving kiss on his lips. I tell him "we are finally alone after days of wedding duties consuming us." He chuckles and holds me around my waist "it was all worth it. Why don't we freshen up?" I nod, God I can't wait to get out of these heels and out of this dress. I go to my suitcase and open it to reveal a lot of swimsuits and other clothing I don't recognize. I laugh in disbelief and show it to Spencer "maybe we don't let Killian and Emily pack for me next time?" Spencer chuckles and shakes his head, then says "remind me to thank them later." I scoff and laugh as I grab my toiletry bag and go to take my makeup off and brush my hair out and brush my teeth.
           As I'm finishing my skincare routine, there's a knock at the door. Spencer opens it to reveal a bellboy with a bottle of champagne. He tells Spencer "compliments of the hotel, congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Reid." Spencer thanks the bellboy and takes the champagne, walking it to me in the bathroom. I inspect it and it looks very nice, but I know nothing about champagne. Spencer's phone starts ringing and my heart sinks. The caller ID says "Hotch." Spencer looks into my eyes and tells me "nothing is going to take me away from spending the next two weeks with you. Nothing." I smile and nod. He tells me "he may just want me to consult, I'll go get some ice and take this in the hall okay?" I nod and he kisses me on the forehead before he leaves the room. I finish getting ready to wind down for the night and change into my pajamas because the hotel room is very cold.
          I mean if Spencer wants to come in here and take them back off of me then he can, but I want to be warm until he comes back. I crawl into the bed and bundle up before I surf through the channels on the tv. I land on a rerun of Friends and then pull out my phone to doomscroll until Spencer comes back in the room with the ice and hopefully a kept promise. I feel my eyelids grow heavy and fight against the urge to fall asleep in a comfy bed after days of stress and activity. Eventually, my body wins against my mind and I fall into a deep blissful sleep.

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