CHAPTER 1: Return of the Prism

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Kanan POV

The alarm beeped on the bedside table and I barely managed to turn it off. I got out of bed and I made my way into the bathroom so that I can have a quick shower and after that I can get myself ready for the day.


Oh, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Kanan Matthews and I'm living with my dad, Brian Matthews when he moves back to Summer Cove. I currently have a boyfriend, which is the number 3 Pro Hero, Hawks {Keigo Takami}.

Currently, you might be thinking that I am not really that excited for my first day at a new High School and I would be going in as a senior. I have got this secret that I'm a Pro Hero in Japan while I am a Rafkonian as well.


I decided to wear a green plaid shirt, a white shirt underneath, black ripped jeans and red converse. I picked up what I needed for school into my backpack, went downstairs, went into the kitchen to have some breakfast before I leave the house. I left the house to lock up, I noticed two people come up to me before I got onto my bike.

"I'm really sorry to interrupt you but are you new in the neighborhood?" a person asked. "Yeah, I'm new in the neighborhood" I said. "Hi, I'm Jackie and this is my daughter, Sarah. She would be starting her first day at high school today" Jackie said. "It's nice to meet you too. My name is Kanan and I'm going to be starting my first day at high school too" I said. "I see you later Sarah and it's really nice to meet you, Kanan" Jackie said. "You too Miss Thompson. So I see you like to ride you hoverboard?" I said. "Yeah, it's going to be a blast" Sarah said. "So, I will see you at school?" I asked. "Yeah, I'll see you at school" Sarah said.


When I reached the school, I got my schedule from the front desk as Sarah just got hers from the desk too. Then a boy came up to the two of us and introduced himself to me and Sarah.

"Hi, I'm Monty" Monty said as he extended his hand for the two of us to shake.

"Hi, I'm Sarah and this is my new friend Kanan" Sarah said as the three of us shook hands.

He was about to say something until another guy had cut him off. He went on to introduce himself to the two of us.

"I'm Victor Vincent" Victor said as he was doing hand gestures.

"It's nice to meet you" the two of us said sarcastically as Sarah was doing hand gestures.

Me and Sarah said that it's our first day and he was bringing the two of us towards the trophy cabinet that's near the entrance of the school.

He's saying that the trophies in there have his name engraved on them while me and Sarah had noticed a trophy with the name 'Dane Romero' on it.

Sarah pointed it out to him and Victor says almost everyone of them. He took her hoverboard while she tried to stop him but Monty stopped her saying that he's really great.

He put the hoverboard onto the ground and immediately went flying out of control as me and Sarah were chasing after him.


He went out of the school and crashed into someone who was wearing a dragon costume.

Victor was still on the hoverboard while the guy that was in the dragon costume was seen in just his boxers while I was looking away in total embarrassment.

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