CHAPTER 20: Galvanax Rises

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Kanan POV

All of us got outside the school when we saw Galvanax with our Ninja Stars.

"So you do have our Ninja Stars!" I said.

"Not all of them! So thanks for bringing your Power Stars, they will be mine really soon! I promise!" Galvanax said.

"You shouldn't make any promises that you can't keep at all!" Brody said.

"We won't let you touch them!" Levi said.

"Basherbots!" Galvanax shouted as he snapped his fingers.

"Ninja Spin!" we shouted as all of us Morphed and we were beginning to fight the Basherbots.

"Enough of this, give me the Ninja Steel Magnet! Their Power Stars will be mine!" Galvanax said as he used the magnet and got Sarah and Preston's Power Stars when the two of them demorphed. Sarah and Preston were trying to get their Power Stars back but ended up being captured by some Basherbots.

Galvanax managed to get Calvin and my dad's Power Stars when the two of them demorphed and got captured by some Basherbots too.

Galvanax also got Hayley and Levi's Power Stars as they demorphed as well.

"Our Power Stars!" Levi exclaimed.

The two of them got captured too.

"Brody! Kanan!" Levi and my dad shouted as the two of us are looking over to them.

"He's going to use that magnet to get your Power Stars! Run!" Calvin shouted.

"Take them to the ship!" Galvanax said.

"Don't worry guys, we are coming!" Brody said as thee two of us were trying to get to them but they got teleported up to the Warrior Dome.  



"Tell me on how does it feel to be beaten by Galvanax?" Cosmo asked.

Mr Matthews was standing next to Hayley and Calvin.

Then Cosmo got no response.

"What's that, cat has got your tongue ay! Hilarious!" Cosmo said as he laughed. "You aren't so tough without your Power Stars!" he said.


Kanan POV

The others appeared in an open space, being trapped by some Basherbots and they saw the four of us. They were really struggling to get out of the Basherbots' grip.

"No!" Brody said.

"You can't do this!" I said.

"Oh...but I can!" Galvanax said, as he laughed evilly.

"Ten years ago, my dad had to make a decision too" Brody said as he is looking at his Power Star after he got it out. I took out my Power Star as well. "These Power Stars came to us so that we can protect them from evil like you!"  I exclaimed.

"Those are big words coming from the two of you!" Galvanax said.

Mick gave Brody his dad's sword.

"I must destroy mine and Kanan's Power Stars!" Brody said.

"What!" Galvanax said.

The others looked at each other in shock.

The two of us threw our Power Stars up into the air as Brody slashed them, causing a huge explosion. The others just got knocked back.

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