EPILOGUE 1A: The Green Ranger's Graduation

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Keigo POV

After a week that all of us finally defeated Galvanax, me and Brian were going over the list for mine and Kanan's wedding that's going to be happening on Saturday. "Is that everything sorted?" Brian asked. "Yeah...that's everything sorted out" I said. "I can't believe that my daughter is going to be graduating tomorrow" Brian said. "Yeah, I know and at least we're going to see it" Keigo said when Kanan came into the kitchen.

"Hey Kanan" Brian said. "Hey dad" Kanan said. "Hey songbird. Can we pick up my sister later at the bus station?" I said. "Hey lovebird. Sure, we can pick up your sister later at the bus station" Kanan replied. The three of us were eating some breakfast before we need to sort out the things that we need to do for the day.


Kanan POV

After the three of us done some things, me and Keigo were waiting outside the bus station for Kenzie. The two of us saw Kenzie, Hunter and Skylar coming out of the bus station. "Kenzie!" I said, getting her attention as I ran up to her as the two of us hugged each other. "Hey, Kanan" Kenzie said as Keigo was coming up to the two of us. "Hey sis" Keigo said. "Hey Keigo" Kenzie said as the two of them hugged.

"This is my husband Hunter and our daughter Skylar" Kenzie introduced the two of them. "Nice to meet you Hunter, Skylar" Keigo said. "Nice to meet you Skylar. It's good to see you again Hunter" I said. "Right back at you Kanan" Hunter said. "It's nice to meet you uncle Keigo. Is it ok if I call you aunt Kanan?" Skylar said. "Yeah...you can Skylar" I said.

All of us saw two more people come out of the building, which the two of us know. "Hey Touya, little birdie" Keigo greeted. "Hey Touya, Ellie" I greeted too. "Hey Keigo, Kanan" Touya greeted as well. "Hi uncle Hawks, Air Wave" Ellie greeted too. "May I ask on who you are?" Touya asked the people that was next to him. "This is my older sister Kenzie, her husband, Hunter and their daughter Skylar" Keigo said. "Hi Kenzie, Hunter and Skylar...nice to meet you" Touya said. "Hi Kenzie, Hunter and Skylar" Ellie said. "It's nice to meet you too" the three of them said.

"Why are you two here? And aren't you supposed to be in the dorms Ellie?" I asked. "To see the wedding of course" Touya said. "I got permission from Mr Aizawa to let me come here for a couple weeks" Ellie said. "Oh yeah, the two of us forgot that we sent you an invitation to our wedding" Keigo said. "Well, we would like to stay and chat some more but we got to go to the hotel to check in" Touya said. The two of them left to head towards the hotel.

"I heard that you are pregnant and it's going to be a girl, congrats" Kenzie said. "Thanks" I said as she's getting excited for her niece that's coming soon. "We will meet her in a over a month too" Keigo said. "Am I going to meet my cousin really soon?" Skylar asked. "Yeah" I said.

"Are you excited for your graduation and your wedding?" Kenzie asked. "Yeah we are" the two of us said. "I was meaning to ask if you can be the maid of honor for my wedding?" I asked. Then Kenzie's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Are you serious! Of course I will!" Kenzie said, really excited. The five of us were leaving the bus station to head back to my house to tell the three of them some more details.


The next day, once the four of us got into the high school, I was preparing myself before the graduation ceremony. "Hey, don't get nervous about this songbird" Keigo said as my dad and Kenzie agreed as the others arrived. "Hey, sorry we're late but congrats on graduating" Brody said as the others were hugging me. "Oh yeah, I just remembered. Guys, this is Keigo's older sister, Kenzie. She is the one I was telling you about" I said as the others introduced themselves. 

Once the ceremony is about to start, my friends, my dad, Dane, Kenzie and Keigo are about to take their seats near the back as I was about to head to my seat as Keigo kissed me on my forehead before he left. Principal Hastings is opening the ceremony with her speech while congratulating all the graduates before handing out the certificates.  

After the ceremony is finished, me, Kenzie, Dane and the others went to our house to celebrate getting my graduation certificate. Once all of us got to our house, the party is getting underway until the others are heading home before they need to get ready for mine and Keigo's wedding coming up.

A/N: coming up...Kanan and Keigo's wedding!

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