CHAPTER 14: The Royal Rival

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Sarah POV

Since Mr Matthews is teaching his lessons for the day and Kanan was doing her lessons before her finals, we were in class doing our presentations.

"Now, it's time for Sarah's presentation" Mrs Finch announced.

I pushewd a covered cart towards the front of the class when I grabbed everyone's attention.

"Are you really sick of cookies being a 'sometimes' food? Do you want to eat them for every meal without your mom getting really mad?" I said as I pulled off the cover, revealing a pink and green cookie maker.

"Ta-da! My business project is Sarah's Cookie Creator. You can put in any food that you want in here and a delicious, healthy cookie will come out of here" I said.

"Who wants to give it a try?" I asked as Victor stood up.

"Victor, of course" I said.

"Really? Delicious food? I highly doubt that" Victor said as he stood next to the machine. "Give me your lunch, Monty" he said as he snapped his fingers.

Monty stood up as he held onto his bag and shook his head. Victor is gesturing to Monty to come over and stand next to him.

"My mom made it" Monty said when he went up to Victor.

"Let's see what is on the menu today" Victor said as he pulled out a sardine. "Sardines" he said as he put it into the mix as everyone in the class was groaning in disgust.

"Broccoli" Victor said as he puts it into the machine. "And yummy...a liver sandwich" he said as more students groaned, while I gagged. "Let's see if your contraption makes it really delicious" he said.

"Ok" I said as I started the machine.

A cookie with a broccoli on top came out of it.

"Here you go" I said, handing Victor the cookie.

"Here you go" Victor said as he handed the cookie over to Monty.

"Hey, that's kinda good" Monty said as Victor had a bite of the cookie. 

"It's really good" Victor said.

"Sarah, I think the public will really like your business idea" Mrs Finch told me.

"Thank you" I said as I pushed the Cookie Maker away.  


"Welcome to Sarah's Cookie Creator" I said.

"Cool. Wow, those look really amazing" a customer said as cookies came out of the machine.

"Ok, carrot and chicken cookies to go" Sarah said as she handed the bag of cookies to the customer.

"That would be three dollars. Thanks" Calvin said as the woman handed him the money and walked away.

"Hey, what are Victor and Monty up to now?" Hayley asked as all of us looked over to Victor and Monty. Victor ended up crashing into a table with a bunch of milk bottles.

All of us laughed a little.

"Now, that is what I call moo-tastic!" Keigo said as all of us were laughing still.

All of us worked together to sell some cookies.

Me, Brody, Mick, Keigo, Calvin and Hayley were making some more cookies.

"Um, guys. I don't want to be rude but that line is getting longer and it's getting longer" Mick said.

"Let's speed things up a little bit, auto chop" Preston chanted as he used magic and the knife is moving on its own as it is chopping up the carrot.

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