CHAPTER 7: Hack Attack

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Kanan POV

"Ok, I've got everything alright. You've got this, Sarah" Sarah said as she bumped into me, Mick and my dad. She's apologized to the three of us.

The three of us were helping Sarah pick up her things from the ground.

"So, all the rumors are true. You've actually signed up for five different clubs" Mick said as he handed back her running shoes that she dropped.

"I did. It will look really good on my college application" Sarah said.

"Uh, aren't all of these clubs meeting at the same time so how can you possibly be in five places at once?" my dad said.

"Yeah, I have to agree with my can you be in five places at once?" I asked.

"Well, it is for me to know...and you three to find out. Ok then, bye" Sarah replied back as she ran away excitedly. "See you later dad" I said as I left to head towards to my lesson. "See you later Kanan" my dad said.


Brody POV

Me and Sarah were racing each other on the track and Sarah won with me very close behind.

"Yeah. I'm really glad that the two of us have joined the track club, Brody" Sarah said. "You know what, let's just do another mile" she said as I'm catching my breath.

"Yeah..." I said as I was stretching a little bit before I started to run again.


Preston POV

Me and Sarah were in chess club as Sarah beat me.

"Checkmate" Sarah said as she just beat me. "Chess club rules, Pres" she said.


Hayley POV

While me and Calvin were setting up the tent, we've noticed Sarah finished her tent.

"All done" Sarah said. "How are you done so fast?" Calvin asked. "Yeah" I said. "I do love the great outdoors" Sarah replied.


Kanan POV

While I was making something in tech club, I've noticed Sarah finished a new project that she was working on.

"No're done already" I said.

"Yeah, I know on what I was going to make so I just did it already" Sarah replied as she left the room.


All of us were in the forest, Morphed when Sarah showed us her new programming for our Ninja Blasters.

"Ninja Blaster! Power Up!" Sarah said as she placed her Power Star onto her Ninja Blaster. "Ninja Blaster! Whip Lash!" she said as Sarah managed to hit the target.

"Haha, pretty good attack, huh. I've programmed it into our Ninja Blasters" Sarah said.

"So when did you have the time to do all that? You were at camping club with the two of us" Calvin said as he pointed to him and Hayley.

"No she wasn't. She was beating me in chess club" Preston said.

"No, she was at track club with me" Brody said.

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