CHAPTER 6: My Friend Redbot

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Kanan POV

It was the day of the school dance and everyone was helping out with the school decorations.

"Music!" Victor shouted.

I was behind the DJ booth when I turned the music on since I've got prom coming up. When the music started to play, Victor started to dance. I saw Hayley and Brody on one side and Sarah, Calvin and Preston on another side in front of me.

"And now, it's time for my super-duper-mega-twirl!" Victor said as he started to twirl around the room. He suddenly twirled faster and he knocked over a bucket and hit the table that caused the punch to get onto Brody and Hayley.

"Nice moves, Victor" Brody sarcastically said.

"We better go and clean up before Victor shows all of us his 'super-twirl' again" Hayley said, while doing quotation marks.


Brody POV

"Huh..." Hayley said.

"Ugh..." I said.

The two of us went into the base and we saw Redbot was no where to be found.

"Hey Kody, where's Redbot?" I asked. Kody only barked in response. 

"What did he say?" I asked.

"Uh, I don't know, I don't speak dog" Hayley replied.

"Ah. Good point" I said.

Hayley laughed a little.

"Oh, heads up" Hayley said as she tossed a rag over to me.

"Thanks" I said.

"Hmm. He was here earlier. The two of us were talking" Hayley said.

I picked up a book that was on the table as I was looking at the page that was left open.

"Won't you accompany me to the grand ball?" I said as I was reading the page.

"That's exactly what Redbot said to me" Hayley said.

"He asked you to the dance? What did you say to him?" I asked.

"I'd told him no" Hayley replied as she laughed a little. "Brody, he's just a robot" she said as she was continuing to clean herself off.

"I wondered if you hurt his feelings when you said no. Maybe that's why he left" I said.

"You're kidding, right? Robots doesn't have feelings at all" Hayley said.

"Redbot does. He is quite advanced. Why else would he leave?" I said.

"He probably went out for a stroll to try and stretch his springs or oil his joints" Hayley said.

"I am going to go and look for him" I said.

I was about to leave the base.

"No, no" Hayley said as she stopped me from leaving. "You promised that you will help out with the dance. Kody and I will find Redbot" she said.

"Alright, thanks Hayley" I said as I left the base.


Kanan POV

All of us were helping setting up the dance. Suddenly, Kody came rushing into the school.

"Kody!" Calvin said. "What is it, boy?" he asked.

Preston and Brody joined me, Calvin and Sarah.

"Hayley's Ninja Com. It's busted" Calvin said as he took off Hayley's Ninja Com from Kody's collar.

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