EPILOGUE 1C: The Pro Hero Honeymoon as well as Rose Takami's Arrival

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A/N: The arrival of their child in their 3rd week after their honeymoon

Kanan POV

When the two of us got married, we got on a private plane to head our honeymoon destination for 2 weeks. "I really hoped that we would've flown commercial, it would've been much easier" I said, looking at my winged husband. "Then it would be no fun...would it songbird" Keigo said as he smiled a little. Once the plane took off, I fell asleep on Keigo's shoulder.

After a while, I could feel Keigo's hand going through my hair {it will only wake me up by him doing that sometimes}. "Wake up songbird, we're almost there. When we touch down, I need you to close your eyes when we're about to leave" Keigo said. "Ok, you better help me get down those steps" I said as he chuckled as he kissed my forehead.

When we touched down once we had got to the location, the pilot told us to have an amazing two weeks. Keigo was helping down the steps after I closed my eyes and felt the warmth coming as the two of us stopped onto the sand.

"Ok songbird, you can open your eyes" Keigo said as my eyes are opening to see what is around me. I noticed a sign saying 'Aloha!' on it. "We're in Hawaii! For 2 whole weeks!" I said while I was looking at him. "Yeah, it's really a perfect location for the two of us" Keigo said. "Not only I am in Hawaii but I am here with my husband" I said while looking at him as he smiled a little.

"Now where are we staying! I want to see everything! Is there anything we can do here!" I said as he was squeezing my hands a little. "Well, let's go to our hotel room to unpack and then we can do anything that we want to do" Keigo said as I nodded before I kissed him.

As soon as Keigo slid the room key into the door as the door's lock turned green. Once the two of us had got into the room, everything that as in the room was amazing...from the floor to ceiling curtains to the king sized bed. Also there was two towel swans made a heart shape on the foot of the bed. I looked in the bathroom, everything in there was a marvel itself. There was marble countertops with two sinks, an enormous mirror with no fingerprints to a stand-in shower. Also there was a large jacuzzi tub.

I walked back into the bedroom to kiss Keigo on the cheek. The two of us hoisted our suitcases up onto the bed as we started to unpack. I went over to open up on of the dressers so that I can put my clothes in as Keigo did the same. Once the two of us finished putting our stuff away, we got changed so that we can spend the rest of the day on the beach. 


Once the two of us came back from our honeymoon, we came through the airport to get to the parking lot. "Isn't that Dane's car over there" I said as I pointed in a certain direction. "Yeah" Keigo said. The two of us were heading towards his car. 

"Hey Dane" me and Keigo said. "Hey, there's the married couple" he said as we were putting our suitcases in the back as the two of us got into the car. "Thanks for picking us up Dane" Keigo said. "Don't worry about it" Dane said.

"How was your honeymoon?" Dane asked. "It's really nice" I said. "Yeah, it's nice that we got to spend some time to ourselves" Keigo stated. "So, you're going to give birth to your daughter at some point, Kanan?" Dane questioned. "Yeah, some time this week" I stated as he nodded. After a while, the three of us were now back at our house.

Once the two of us got into our house, me and Keigo are unpacking in our room. "So...I was thinking once we get back to Kyushu, do you want to move in with me?" Keigo asked. "Yeah...I would like to move in with you once we get back to Kyushu" I said.


The following morning, I started to wake up when I felt Keigo's hand on my stomach as his left wing was covering me a little. When he woke up after he got up from me, he was heading into the bathroom that's connected to my room, I just saw my stomach a little bit rounder but not that much than usual. 'Is it that time already' I thought to myself. Keigo was coming out of the bathroom when he was putting his shirt on over his head. "Look, Keigo. My stomach is showing" I said as he looked at my stomach. "I can't wait to meet her!" he said as he went over to me as he kissed me on the lips. 

Once the two of us got downstairs, we saw my dad in the kitchen making breakfast for all of us as Dane, Brody and Levi came into our house as the three of them were heading towards the kitchen. "Morning guys" me and Keigo greeted. "Hey Kanan, Keigo" my dad greeted back. "Why are you two happy this morning?" my dad asked. "Well, we are really happy cause..." Keigo said as I lifted up my shirt showing my stomach to them. "Someone's about to really soon" Keigo said. 

"No way!" Brody, Levi and Dane said.

"I can't wait to meet her" my dad said.

"Have you two thought of any names yet?" Brody asked.

The two of us nodded our heads. "Yeah, we have" Keigo said.


Me and Keigo were heading towards the hospital after the two of us packed some stuff that we needed to take with us.

Right now, me and Keigo were in a private room in the hospital since my stomach was slowly getting bigger. 

"You're getting really nervous, aren't you?" Keigo asked.

I sighed a little. "I guess so..." I admitted.

Little did I know, I just felt the strangest thing!

"Hey Keigo...I think that she just kicked" I said.

"Really? Let me have a feel" Keigo said as he came up to me.

He put his hand onto my stomach and the baby was kicking again.

"Woah, she did kick!" Keigo said, really amazed.

She started to kick some more!

"I think that she really likes you more, Keigo" I said as I pouted a little.

Keigo was smiling a little on his face. Then I started to give birth to our daughter.

It was about 8pm as I was screaming in pain.

Keigo was holding my hand really tight as he was getting concerned.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine" my doctor said, assuring him.

"Yeah...I know" Keigo said.

Once my crying died down, it soon replaced with the cries of our newest family member of the Takami family. "Congratulations, it's a girl" the doctor said as the two of us looked at her. "Hey Keigo...can we name her Rose?" I asked. "Of course we can. I'm so proud of you songbird" Keigo said, crying a little as he kissed my forehead. "Go and see her" I said. Keigo went over to her. 

Keigo POV

I was walking over to see my daughter. One of the nurses handed me Rose gently. "It's really good to see you Rose" I said as I looked at my daughter. "I'm going to protect you with all of my feathers. I love you and your mom with everything that I have" I said as Rose started to cry a little. "It's ok little chick...your dad's here" I said while I was rocking her gently. "Keigo, don't hog her all to yourself" Kanan said while she was laying in her bed while the doctors were making her feel comfortable. "I'll be with you in a second songbird" I said as I smiled towards my wife. 

Kanan POV

I'm watching our daughter being held by Keigo. "Don't hog her all to yourself, Keigo" I said as the doctors were making me comfortable. "I will be with you in a second songbird" Keigo said while kissing Rose's head.

Keigo walked over with Rose swaddled up in her blanket. "Keigo, she looks like you" I said, taking her into my hands. "Oh no, she's going to look like you" Keigo said as he kissed my forehead. "Welcome to the world, Rose Takami" the two of us said.

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