CHAPTER 4: Presto Change-O

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Kanan POV

"Ladies and gentlemen. It's time for a moment of amazement from the master magician Presto Change-O" Preston announced as he stood in the center of the cafeteria.

"Yeah, Pres!" Sarah cheered.

All of us were cheering for him.

"So, this is a magic show?" me and Brody asked.

"Yeah. Let's just hope that this works" Sarah said.

"Behold, an entirely empty hat" Preston said as he showed everyone the hat.

"Hold it right there, Change-O" Victor said while standing up as he interrupted him.

'What does he want now' I thought to myself.

"Hey, you can't..." Preston started to say while he tried to argue back.

"Empty hat, eh?" Victor said as he pulled out a rabbit from the hat.

"A rabbit. Amazing. It's magic" Preston said.

Everyone in the cafeteria started to boo him and some of them threw some trash at him. Preston came off the stage with a disappointed look on his face.


When the school bell rang, me and Brody decided to confront Preston at his locker.

"Don't worry, Presto. Just keep practicing your magic tricks and it'll get better, ok" Body said.

"He's right, don't let Victor on what he just done today get to you" I said.

"When I was about 5, my parents had taken me to a magic show. He had made this dragon bracelet appeared onto my wrist" Preston said as he had showed us his bracelet. "Ever since then, all I wanted to be was a magician. I kept on trying and trying but my tricks had never fooled anybody"

"I've trained to be a ninja since I could walk, it was a real struggle but one day it started to click" Brody said as he placed his hand on Preston's shoulder, comforting him.

"I agree with Brody. I was currently been training to be a Pro Hero at a really young age. Then one day, it's started to stick so that I could be properly trained and then I met another Pro Hero and we work really well together to make our way up the charts" I said.

The three of us heard some thumping. "What was that?" Brody asked.

Preston reached into his hat and pulled out a rabbit.

"No Brody, you really don't get it" Preston said as he handed Brody the rabbit and lifts up the cover that was covering a cage with another rabbit in it. "This is my rabbit. I - I - I only have this one" he said, showing us the rabbit.

"Then where did this other one come from?" Brody asked.

"Yeah, if this one isn't yours, where did this one come from?" I asked.

Preston heard more thumping from his hat and pulled out another rabbit. "I really have no idea where they are coming from" Preston said as he shakes his top hat. "It isn't a trick. Magic must be starting to click for me. Like you said, I can actually do real magic" he said.

"Well maybe, why don't I take your furry friends to the pet store, while you and Kanan go and talk to Mick" Brody suggested. "Cause I really think that the Ninja Steel might have something to do with this" he said.

"Yeah, Mick um, talk to Mick um..." Preston said when Brody walked away. 'I always knew that magic was real' he thought to himself.

"I think that we should go talk to Mick about this" I said and the two of us were making our way towards the base.

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