CHAPTER 15: The Royal Rumble & The Pro Hero Promposal

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Keigo POV

When the Rangers came into the, Mick and Redbot were done repairing all their broken weapons.

"Me, Keigo and Redbot repaired all your weapons that were damaged in your battle against Drillion" Mick said.

"Thanks, Mick" Brody said.

"They look good as new" Sarah said.

"Yeah, now we will be at full strength when Drillion returns" Preston said when Hayley and Levi entered the base.

"Unfortunately, full strength wasn't enough the last time we fought him" Calvin said. "So, how exactly are we going to stop him?" Hayley asked when she puts her bag on the table. 

"Hey, that's new. Isn't that a lion pin?" Calvin asked Hayley when he noticed the pin on her bag.

"I've never seen this before" Hayley said as she took it off her bag. It started to glow and it was stinging her a little, she threw it onto the ground as Viera appeared when the others got into a fighting stance.

"Hello, Rangers" Princess Viera greeted.

"Princess Viera. What are you doing here?" Levi asked.

"Galvanax managed to shot down my ship. I barely managed to crash land. Where the other two Rangers that you mentioned? And may I ask on who you are?" Viera said.

"Hi, my name is Keigo Takami. It's really nice to meet you, Princess Viera" Keigo said. "With the other two Rangers, Kanan and Mr Matthews, will be here later" Levi said, which she nodded.

"Oh, thank goodness you're ok. We never got the chance to thank you for helping us against Drillion" Brody said.

"If you can help me get my ship flying again, I think that I can help you to defeat Drillion. It might be the only thing that is powerful enough to stop him" Princess Viera said.

"How can we get your ship back up in the air?" I asked.

"This is a part of my ship's anti-gravity crystal. Galvanax's lasers broke it in half. It's worthless now. Meaning, my ship needs another power source to fly" Princess Viera said as she held up the broken half of the crystal.

"Hmm...Mick, you're the mechanical genius. Have you got any ideas?" Brody asked as all of us looked at him.

"I'm not sure that we should help her at all" Mick said.

"Mick, how could you say something like that?" Preston asked.

"Because she is the ruler of the Lion Galaxy. It was my home until the royal family took me and a hundred others and sold us to Galvanax" Mick said.

"You never told me on how you ended up as a prisoner on the Warrior Dome" Brody said.

"No, no because I don't like to - to think about it. But thanks to the likes of her...I haven't seen my parents in 20 years" Mick said.

"He's right. I'm truly sorry, Mick. My family can be really cruel. The fact is, I came here to prove that I can rule with an iron fist" Viera said. "But you really showed me that kindness is a better way" she said, referring to Sarah. "If you're willing to help me, I intend to go back to the Lion Galaxy...where I will lead everyone the Power Ranger way" she said as all of us are looking at each other.

"Guys, look. It is the Lion Ship" Sarah said as she was looking at the Nexus Prism that's showing us a vision of the Lion Ship.

"That vision. It's appeared once before" Mick told us as all of us looked at the Prism.

"Maybe the prism wants us to use the Ninja Steel to turn the Lion Ship into a Megazord" Keigo said.

"That will help it fly for sure" Levi said.

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