CHAPTER 3: To Live and To Learn

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Kanan POV

Me, Hayley, Preston, Sarah and Calvin appeared where Brody, Mick and Redbot were outside the base. Redbot opened up a case with some newly made Ninja Stars. Mick told all of us that these were called Element Stars and Galvanax is going to send some more powerful monsters so we were going to be needing them.

"My dad always say that the ninja is always one with their surroundings" Brody said as he picked one up. "Fire, Water, Earth, Forest, Metal. The basic elements of nature is our weapons" he said as he was handing us the Element Stars.

"Let's give this one a go" Calvin said. He walked to a space to try the Element Star out. "Element Star! Lock In! Ninja Water Attack!" Calvin shouted as nothing happened. Suddenly his Ninja Star Blade is shooting out water and he had crashed into a nearby junk pile.

"So much for water mode" Brody said. "So, who else wants to try out the fire mode?" he said as he turned around and found no one there. 


All of us were in the base.

"Hey, we really need to get to class early so that we can practice for our test" Sarah said as she, Preston, Hayley and Calvin packed our bags. "You two are going to do really well on your first day of school" she said to me and Brody. "Yeah, apparently my class is doing something that could be ok" I said.

"You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up to you" Brody said.

"Ok" Sarah said.

"See you later" I added.

All of us just left the base.


Calvin POV

All of us got into class as Kanan was heading towards her lesson, we were watching a video of Brody fighting the monster, Spinferno, alone.

"Guys, that fight just happened and Brody didn't tell us?" Preston said.

"Preston, someone might hear you" Sarah said. "We'll talk about it later" Hayley said.

Brody came into the classroom. "Sorry I'm late" he said.

"Brody, we'd watched the video of the fight. You've fought a monster and you didn't ask for any help" Sarah said.

"You guys needed to study but don't worry, my Data Com and I handled it" Brody said.

"Quiet down everybody" Mrs Finch said as she just came in and everyone had gotten into their seats.

Mrs Finch introduced Brody as the new student and the class had to be split up into two groups for the quiz, which all of us were in the green team. Brody immediately got the first question answered with the help of his Data Com. Sarah told Brody that he can't use his Data Com but he really doesn't really understand on why he can't use it. The second question came and Preston was about to answer until Brody answered it before him.

"So much for teamwork, huh?" I muttered to the others.

Kanan POV

 I met up with the others at the cafeteria as Calvin and Hayley were sitting next to each other.

"Guys, there's some bad news. That monster Brody fought, he's back" Preston told us when he came to the table.

"C'mon guys, now you will see how useful my Data Com really is" Brody said as he went into his bag to look for his Data Com but he found that it wasn't in there. Brody told us we have to find it before we have to fight against that monster.

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