EPILOGUE 1B: The Pro Hero Wedding

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A/N: At some point, I will be switching POV a couple of times

Kanan POV

As Keigo was with Brody, Levi, Dane, Calvin, Preston, Touya, Hunter, my dad and the guys from when we were Dino Charge Rangers went over to Brody's house to get him prepared for the wedding tomorrow, they were having a guys night as I was staying in my house with Kenzie, Ellie, Sarah, Hayley, Shelby, Skylar and Kendall went to stay with me as all of us were having a girls night.

"Hi...I'm Sarah, what's your name?" Sarah asked. "I'm Ellie Todoroki" Ellie said. "And I'm Skylar Bradley" Skylar said. "Hi Ellie, I'm Hayley" Hayley said as she introduced herself to her. "Are you training to be a hero Ellie?" Sarah asked. "Yeah, I am" Ellie said. "Can I ask, what's your quirk is?" Hayley asked. "It is Cremation but my flames are blue instead of its usual colors" Ellie replied.

"How did you know Shelby, Kendall and Kanan?" Sarah asked. "Well, I met Air Wave when I was interning with my dad and uncle Hawks and I met Shelby and Kendall when me and my dad went into the secret base when they were Rangers" Ellie replied. "That's so cool that you know their secret" Hayley said. "Yeah and that's pretty epic" Ellie said as the others laughed a little.

"So, where is Keigo going to take you on your honeymoon, Kanan?" Shelby asked. "Yeah, we would like to know too" Kenzie and Kendall asked as Sarah and Hayley nodded their heads in agreement. "I don't know. He said that it would be a surprise" I said as the others nodded their heads a little. "I wonder on how the others are doing with Hizashi hyping the others up" I said as all of us laughed a little as we were about to go to sleep since we need to get ready in the early hours of the morning.

Keigo POV

As Kanan, her friends, Skylar and Ellie were at her house having a girls night, me and the others were having a guys night at Brody's house after the Ninja Steel Rangers and Brian introduced themselves to Touya and Hunter. All of us were talking as we were playing some games. "So, how are you feeling?" Brody asked. "I feel really nervous but I'm excited that I am gonna marry the love of my life" I said while the others were smiling a little.

"I know what you mean, dude" Hizashi said. "Same here" Touya and Hunter said. We're gonna do another round of playing video games. "I was meaning to ask...where are you going to take Kanan on her honeymoon?" Levi asked. "Oh, I am going to take her to the one place that she will like to go" I said. The others are looking at each other, being really confused. "Let me guess, is it..." Brian started to say something into my ear. "Yeah, it is" I said.  After a while of playing video games, we have decided to go to sleep until it is morning.


Kanan POV

The next morning, all of us were getting ready for the big day. "So, is your dad going to walk with you down the aisle, Kanan?" Kenzie asked as she is doing my hair. "Yeah" I replied. "I can't wait for this even though I'm not getting married" Shelby said. "Agreed, even though I am too young to get married" Ellie said as all of us were getting really excited. "Same" Skylar said.

"Have you written your vows, it might be really important" Kendall said as I nodded a little. Once Kenzie has done with my hair, I'm going to put on my wedding dress. Once I got myself ready, we are about to leave my house to heading to the destination.

Keigo POV

After we got ourselves ready, we're about to leave the house and heading to the car. "Don't get nervous, I'm pretty sure that she will love you for eternity" Brian said. "Yeah, you're probably right" I said. "Also, I'm pretty sure that Kanan is going to be really nervous about the whole thing too" Hizashi said. 

Once we arrived at the destination, all of us were about to head inside. "Hey, just shake out those nerves before you see Kanan so that she won't get nervous as well" Riley said. "Yeah, she will love you for who you are" Tyler said as the others agreed. Brian has got a message from Sarah. "I've got a message from Sarah. They're on their way here so let's go in to finish getting ready" Brian said. Then all of us were heading into the building as Sarah, Hayley and Shelby's parents are going in the building.


Kanan POV

After a while...Keigo was waiting for me at the front...it was time for me to go stand by his side at the front. Once me and my dad stood at the front, he shook Keigo's hand and he took his seat next to Dane. The ceremony started. "We're gathered here today to witness the betrothal of Mr Keigo Takami and Miss Kanan Matthews. If you wouldn't mind if you do the vows" the vicar said as he started with Keigo.

"When I first met you all those years ago, I thought that you wouldn't like to go out with me..." Keigo started to say before he got rid of all of his nerves by ruffling his wings a little. "And when you came into my life...its like you opened up the cage that was inside me. You're caring, kind and you're one of the strongest person that I know. Having you in my life is like filling my heart up once again. It was like a dream come true...you make me really happy for once in my life...I really do love you songbird" he finished.

"And you Miss Matthews" he said.

"While I was growing up, I didn't have much friends. I didn't have time for anything else since my mum and dad were always busy..." I started to say as everyone laughed a little. "I thought that my life would be incomplete until you came along as you were the very first friend that I have made since I moved to Japan. Ever since then, we never been apart like we been friends our whole lives...I love you so very much and I can't wait on what is next for the both of us..." I said.

"Next, can we have the rings?" the vicar asked as Kenzie and Hizashi gave us the rings. "Now, do you, Keigo Takami...take Miss Kanan Matthews as your wedded wife, in sickness and in health until death do you part?" he said.

"I do" Keigo said, smiling a little at me as he was putting the ring onto my finger. "More than anything..." he said.

"And Miss Matthews" the vicar asked as he looked at me. "Now, do you, Kanan Matthews...take Mr Keigo Takami as your wedded husband, in sickness and in health until death do you part?" he said.

"I do" I replied as I was putting the ring on his finger as well. "I truly do..." I said.

"And now, by the powered invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" the vicar said.

I wrapped my arms around Keigo's neck as Keigo slid his arms around my back as we kissed each other. The others were cheering as they were clapping.

A/N: They are finally married! What will happen to the two of them now as they are going on their honeymoon just before they are having a kid...find out next time

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