Meet Brian Matthews

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Name: Brian Matthews
Ranger Color: Silver
Roll Call: Agility of the Ninja! Ninja Steel Silver!
Zord: Sabertooth Tiger

1. Unknown Wife {Rafkonian - deceased}
2. Kanan Matthews {Rafkonian - daughter}
3. Keigo Takami {son in law from Epilogue 1B onwards}
4. Rose Takami {granddaughter from Epilogue 1C onwards}

Love Interest: Dane Romero
Appearance: He has short black hair and blue eyes. Wears anything silver.

Brian Matthews is the father of Kanan Matthews. Brian used to live in Summer Cove until he has promoted his music to different cities and towns when his daughter moved to Kyushu in Japan to become a Pro Hero. One day, while he is walking though the forest, he has found the Prism which contained the Silver Power Star in it. Brian moved back to Summer Cove and finds out that his daughter is a Power Ranger.

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