CHAPTER 13: Meeting the Thunder and Fire Ninjas

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Brody POV

"As Mayor, I would like to delightfully welcome all of you to the Lake Sunshine Fun-athon. The winner of this event will get this beautiful trophy" the Mayor announced as he held up the trophy. "And don't forget to say hi to bubbles, the lake's mascot" he said.

"Hello Bubbles" Preston greeted when he walked up to us.

"Sarah and Hayley..." Preston started to say.

"Yeah" Sarah said.

"You're on the green team with me" Preston said.

"Oh, cool" Hayley said.

"Calvin and Levi, we're on the orange team" I said as I handed them their jerseys.

"I got each team a baton" Calvin said.

"Thank you" Hayley said as she took the green one.

Calvin seemed to be distracted as he started to walk in a certain direction away from us.

"Hey, where are you going? The race is about to start soon" Hayley said.

"That's Ace and his crew!" Calvin said.

"Uh, who's Ace?" Levi asked.

"He has the coolest car in town. And he..." Calvin started to say.

"Totally rebuilt the engine himself" Calvin and Hayley said at the same time.

"Yeah, I remember. 'Awesome Ace' right" Hayley said.

"Don't worry, I'll be right back" Calvin said as he walked towards them.

"By the way Mr Matthews, where's Kanan?" I asked.

"Yeah, she would be here with you as well Keigo, since you two are engaged as well" Levi said.

"She said she had something to do today and that's why she couldn't make it to the Fun-athon today" Mr Matthews said.

"Yeah, she would. She said something about a meeting" Keigo said as he looked at Mr Matthews when he nodded his head. "Not sure on what it's about though or who it's going to be with" he said.

The two of them started to get really worried about her. 

"What's wrong Keigo, Mr Matthews?" Hayley asked.

"It's just that I'm really worried about her" Mr Matthews said.

"Same here" Keigo said.

"Worried? Worried about what exactly?" Sarah questioned.

"About Kanan. You see, Kanan never had a great childhood growing up before she got her quirk since some villains would be after her. Well, after they got her mother, my wife to be exact" Mr Matthews said. 

"How could that be?" Sarah questioned.

"Well, she doesn't want to talk about her past to anybody that she doesn't trust, in other words, strangers" Keigo said.

"What do you mean?" Hayley asked.

"Well, let's start from the beginning..." Mr Matthews said.

"After Kanan was born, me and my wife were really thrilled to have her as a daughter. Let's just say that my daughter was the best thing that ever happened to the two of us. While she was growing up, she manifested a quirk that can control wind at the age of 4. Before she manifested this quirk, she had antennae appear on her forehead because of her mother, my wife, being Rafkonian. A year later. it's been decided to send her to the Hero Commission in Japan for her own safety. Ever since then, she managed to control her power after help from Keigo and the Hero Commission. After a week of her being there, she was notified that her mother died from a villain attack, which it was really devastating for her to hear at such a young age"  he said.

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