Authors Note

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Hi guys,

Thank you for all the responses. I realized the story as it progresses makes it a little confusing for readers who are reading it on the go. After considering all the options, I have decided to add 'story so far in upcoming chapters to avoid any confusion. It will be easier to understand the progress in case there are a lot of gaps between the updates.

Before you proceed, just know that this story is divided into three parts,

Part 1: Chasing Nightmares

Part 2: Devil Unveiled

Part 3: Last Dance

Look out for chapter titles, if you find a chapter titled "Part 1" / "Part 2" / "Part 3" it serves as a prologue/preface to upcoming chapters. 

I hope this will clear up a lot of confusion. If you need any clarifications, just drop in a comment and I will answer it right away  :)



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