Chapter 29

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"You think this will resolve everything?"

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"You think this will resolve everything?"

Gouri Devi looked up at the sound of the very familiar feminine voice and smiled. Along with a couple of priests, they were at Rudragarh's Kali Matha Temple. The afternoon sun was shining brightly in the sky as the priests hurried to set up the pooja they had planned.

"Nupur! How have you been my child?" Gouri Devi beamed, extending her arms for an embrace.

Nurpur Dixit, in her early thirties, worked as a head of Panchayat at Banjaaragarh. Watching the elderly woman, a warm smile filled her face and immediately the two of them hugged. "I have been great, Maharani sa. You?"

"Counting my days, so far."

Frowning, Nupur rolled her eyes, "If your family hears this dialogue, I am sure they would be upset."

"I am not an immortal, Nupur." Gouri Devi shrugged.

"So, as I was asking, will this resolve everything?" Nupur asked, changing the subject. Gouri Devi sighed. "Not really. But... Sri Vedavyas Shashtri ji tells me that there is something terrible coming Aastha's way. Even my daughter, Vaishali has sensed something evil."

"Do you think the witch has got all her powers?" Nupur asked, looking towards the west. Covered deep in the forests, a series of caves carved out of rocks hid secrets that certain people like to play with. The negativity surrounding the dead city is so strong that, it acts as a perfect stage for wannabe tantriks. Nupur was tired of hearing stories about various Tantriks coming to Rudragarh to test their skills and perform black magic.

"I am not sure.. But she definitely has help"

"Who could help her and why?"

Gouri Devi too looked in the direction of caves, "I can only assume, the witch is not in her full strength. Maybe, one of the tantriks? Maybe another witch? Maybe she.. I don't know!"

"Isn't it easy to end the witch when she is weak?"

"Hopefully it is. But she has to come out of her hiding, Nupur. She won't until she is in full capacity. She will only send her messengers, until then."

When Gouri Devi explained how a woman was possessed in Roopgarh with the intention to deliver the message to Vaishali, Nupur was shocked.

"Any help you need, I will always be there," Nupur assured her. Gouri Devi watched her with moist eyes. "I don't deserve your kindness, Nupur. This family doesn't deserve your help. I don't know how to repay-"

"Please, Maharani sa. I was never taught to harbour hatred towards anybody. Moreover, what you and your mother-in-law have done, putting your lives in line and going against your own blood, must not have been easy. At the end of the day, do not forget that you have saved a lot of lives, Maharani sa."

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