Game I: Game Start!

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"Hey, Hey! Ryu wake up! It is time to wake up! Mother just left to go to work!" Misaka pushes and shoves her brother Ryu to wake him. "Wake up damn it!" Mnmm what?" Ryu says tiredly, wiping his eyes with his hand. "I said wake up! "Okay, jeez do you have to be so loud?" Ryu says. "Hurry get dressed and eat breakfast or we will be late for school." Misaka leaves the room.

Ryu gets dressed and grabs his cellphone, then walks down to the kitchen yawning. "We are not even going to be that late sis relax." Ryu sits down at the dining room table and starts to eat. "Your miso shiru and hakumai are delicious as usual sis." "Hurry up, we are going to be late!" Misaka Says frantically. "I'm coming!" Ryu says. Ryu grabs his bag and rushes out the door. "Hey, Misaka sorry I took so long."

They both leave the house together to walk to school. "It's alright but we must hurry up and get to school." Misaka and Ryu rush to school. Once they arrive at their school they both put their shoes in their locker and get their school shoes on then place there back packs in their lockers. Then they head to homeroom. The siblings then go to their desks. Ryu sits at the back of the class and Misaka sits in the middle of the class. Ryu idly taps his pencil on his desk. "Man what is taking the teacher so long." Ryu says.

Misaka starts to listen in on conversations that her classmates are having. "Did you hear about that new game in the arcade?" "No, I haven't." "Its a new game that just came out on the Game box 460. I heard it's only in the arcades though." "That sounds awesome we should go play it. What type of game is it?" "Its a roleplaying game like Goblins and Dungeons." Ryu walks over to Misaka. "Did you hear that? It's like Goblins & Dungeons, you know I love that game." Ryu says. "Don't even think about it. We don't even have extra money to spend like that Ryu." "Aww man why not?" Ryu says. "You know we need that money for food. Mom and dad won't be home from overseas for another 3 months." Misaka says. "So?" Ryu says. "What do you mean so?" "I mean so." Ryu says. "Ugh. Fine, we will check it out after school. I hate arguing with you, idiot." Misaka says as she hits Ryu upside the head.

"No, I want to check it out right now." Ryu says. "Stop being a baby, we will see it after school little bro." "We can always sneak out." Ryu says. "No, that's not an option." Ryu and Misaka go through the school day attending classes, listening to lectures, then eating lunch. "Finally school is out! Now we can play that new game in the arcade!" Ryu says excitedly. "Yes, yes I know we are going to the arcade, calm down." Misaka and Ryu walk from their school to the arcade. Ryu points at the Game Box 460. "It's on that Game Box 460." Ryu says. "Okay let's go." Misaka says. The both of them walk up to the Game Box 460 and start playing the game Destiny Lords. "This game isn't so bad." Ryu says "Yeah. Oh, watch out for that troll." Both of them feel the hit from the troll in real life as if they were inside of the game. "What?" Ryu says. "Try that again." The troll hits both of their characters. Both of them feel the hit from the troll again. "That's it. I know what is happening!" "What is happening?" Ryu says. "We feel what is happening in the video game! Ryu, we should stop playing."

The screen of the Game Box 460 lights up! Beams of light shoot out of the Game Box's screen! Suddenly, the two are transported into the world of Destiny Lords! They are dropped deep into the forest. "Misaka?" Ryu says. "Ryu?" "What are you wearing?" Misaka starts to laugh wearing only cloth wear. "Don't look at me! What are you wearing?" Ryu starts to laugh wearing metal armor with a crest on it's chest. "Why are you dressed like that?" Ryu says. "How am I supposed to know? Why am I in just cloth when you have metal armor?! Anyway, where are we?" "We are in the game obviously." Ryu says. "Why are you so calm? We are not even in real life right now. How will we get back home?" Misaka says. "This is awesome that's why. We are in the game!" Ryu says. "You're such a child. We should focus on getting home. Oh, there is a monster."

Misaka and Ryu both hit the unknown monster and they kill it. The unknown monster disappears, it drops a treasure chest. "Look Misaka a treasure chest." Ryu says. Misaka walks to the treasure chest. The treasure chest is dark in color and is glitching out. Ryu opens the chest. A rare loot item drops. "The Sword of Calamity" appears. "Wow Misaka look at that. It's a cool sword and its black to ooo I want it." Ryu Says. "Look up, there is dialogue above it." Misaka says. The dialogue reads "The Sword of Calamity" this sword is the manifestation of evil, it is said to take over the bodies of who or whatever grabs onto its hilt. Ryu grabs onto the hilt. "No don't grab that! Didn't you read the dialogue?" Misaka says. "What is wrong Misaka? Yeah, I read the dialogue. It says "The Sword of Calamity is evil blah blah blah." Ryu says. "Your such an idiot Ryu why would you grab something that is evil?!" "Evil just means it's cool, so I just had to grab the sword. Why is the sword glowing?" Ryu says. "Ryu put the sword down! RYU!" Ryu turns to dust along with the sword. "RYU NOOO!" Misaka cries, punching the ground. "That f*cking idiot! The one time he doesn't listen it gets him killed!"

Two hours pass. Misaka eventually musters up the courage to go on without her brother. Wiping her tears away looking completely exhausted she continues on. "I must find the nearest town and find somewhere to stay and find something to eat." Misaka's stomach growls as she can feel her stomach becoming nauseous. "Ugh man I'm so hungry my stomach hurts." Misaka walked a path looking for food to sate her hunger, then suddenly there was a rustling in the nearby brush,"What was that?" Misaka whispers.

A werewolf walked out into the path Misaka was standing on. "A werewolf?! I need something, anything to use as a weapon." Misaka looks around frantically and sees a broken sword. Her yelling alerts the werewolf of her presence. She picks up the broken sword, the hilt is intact but the blade is snapped off to a point. "Alright, werewolf lets go." Misaka picks up the broken sword and moves into a kendo stance. The werewolf charges Misaka but she slices the werewolf and it counterattacks by using its claw to slice her stomach. "Ahhh! F*ckkk" Blood pours out of Misaka's wound. She attacks the werewolf once again and slices its leg, crippling it. "Now I got you. Take this! Grahhh!" She slashes the werewolf's neck, killing it. The werewolf drops a Magicka refresher potion. Misaka bends over and picks up the potion. "I must push on. I need to find somewhere to go that isn't here." She is holding her wound and is in a lot of pain. "Damn this hurts."

She rips the bottom of her shirt off and ties it around her body covering the wound, she winces in pain because of her wound. "This should at least help for now, I could really use a health potion right now." Misaka continues on limping, losing more and more blood. "I'm bleeding a lot. This isn't good. I'm not going to last much longer. F*ck my vision is getting blurry." Misaka limps for another five minutes down the path before stumbling and passing out from blood loss.

Misaka & Ryu: Destiny LordsWhere stories live. Discover now