Game XI: Letter Sent

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The Guild looks at Utama. "What do you have in mind?" Yamato asks. "Well, I was in this old guild called the Aura of Flame and they had a person that can handle Rubies." Utama says. "Like an accountant?" Misaka asks. "What is an accountant?" Yamato asks. "An accountant is a person that handles Rubies." Misaka says. "Oh right." Yamato says. "Is that a new word or something?" Utama asks. "Y-Yes they make new words all the time." Misaka says nervously. "Alright then continuing on. So, the person's name is Daichi and I know exactly where to find him. I'll send a letter to him so we can get him to join us." Utama says. "That means we can relax at the guild hall now?" Misaka asks. "Yes, at least until we get word." Utama says as he walks upstairs to his room. "Where is he going?" Misaka asks. "To go write the letter." Yamato says. "Right." Misaka says. Misaka walks to the bar and sits, then looks around. "Why is it so awkward? This silence is horrible." Misaka says to herself.

Five Minutes Later.

Misaka starts tapping her foot.

Ten minutes later.

"What is taking so long?" Misaka says in her head.

Fifteen minutes later.

Misaka's eyebrow starts to twitch.

Twenty minutes later.

"Alright, this is taking too damn long." Misaka says as she stands up from the stool. She walks up to Utama's room and knocks on the door. "Yes? Can I help you?" Utama says from the other side of the door. "What are you writing that's taking so long?" Misaka asks. "I am writing the letter in the best handwriting I can muster." Utama says. Misaka looks at Utama dumbfounded. "That's what is taking you so long? Seriously?" Misaka says. "Yes, my handwriting sucks so I want to make this letter look great." Utama says. "I suppose that makes sense, don't take too long though." "I won't. In fact, I am already finished." "Ah, deliver it then." Misaka says. "We will have to go to the post office and put it into the dropbox. Who knows when he will get it. For now, let's work on receiving higher difficulty quests. That will bring in more funding for our guild and we will be able to hire carpenters to fix our guild hall. I am thinking of expanding our guild hall for an indoor training hall and indoor restrooms. I think this will help morale as well." Utama says.
"Sounds like an amazing idea, Guild Leader!" Misaka says. "Guild Leader? You have never called me that." Utama says. "Well, I figured you're becoming more of a guild leader than you were before." Misaka says. Utama rubs his head and smiles. "Thanks for the compliment. Let's go deliver this letter." "Okay!" Utama stands up from his desk and leads Misaka out of the room while grabbing the letter and rolling it up as he places it in his shirt. They go down the stairs together. "Alright everyone! Misaka and I are going to deliver the letter to the Post Office." "Alright, you two have fun. I'm gonna have a couple of drinks." Yamato says. Utama and Misaka leave the guild hall. "We are not making any extra stops on the way. So don't even think about it." Utama says. "Fine..Fine" Misaka says. They walk into the City Center. "The Post Office is near the Guild Broker's Office. So, let's head over that way." Misaka stares down the City Center sign. "Are you okay?" Utama asks. "Wh-What? Y-Yeah I'm fine." Misaka says. "Alright then let's continue." They walk to the post office and walk into the building. "Hello, take a seat over there and we will be right with you." The Post Office attendee says pointing to a group of chairs with other people sitting as well. Misand and Utama walk over to the chairs and sit next to each other. "I can't believe he finally moved out. I miss him so much. That's why I'm going to send him this letter." A lady says, who is also waiting.

"Next person up please!" The attendee says while the person they were waiting on walks away. A person stands up and walks over to the post office attendee. "Hello, I would like to send this package to my niece. Her name is Raska Voldermite." "Okay sounds great. Let me form a shipping slip." The Attendee holds out her hand and a shipping slip appears out of thin air. Misaka points "Wow did you see that? It appeared out of thin air!" "Yes, if you didn't know, magic is normal here. It is only used as a utility and it isn't used for any sort of combat but, you already know that though."Utama says. "Y-Yeah I definitely know that." Misaka says nervously. The person that was at the counter walks away from the attendee. "Next person please come up!" The Attendee says. Utama hits Misaka's arm. "That's us." They walk up to the counter. "How can I be of service today?" "We are sending a letter to Daichi Johnsonford." Utama says. "Okay let me search for him in our system." The Attendee waves her hand and a search box appears out of thin air, the attendee taps on the search box and a keyboard appears near her hands. She types in Daichi Johnsonford. It appears I have found his records.
"Let me form a shipping slip for you." She holds out her hand and a shipping slip appears. The attendee peels off a covering on the back of the slip and sticks it to the letter. "Alright, it's ready to send!" "Amazing! Thank you so much!" Misaka says excitedly. "Let's head back to the guild hall." Utama says sighing as they walk out of the Post Office. "Are you okay?" Misaka asks with a worried expression on her face. "I am okay, just stressed because of the state of the guild, it kinda fell apart, and now it's only us three. We need to get more members so we can go on dungeon raids then and only then will we have a good amount of money to pay everyone.

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