Game V: Rise of the Dead

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The guild prepares for battle. "Weapon techniques do not work on the undead! We must not use them!" Utama yells to the guild. "RIGHT!" Everyone says. The undead continues to rise out of the ground, some with missing heads, others with missing limbs, and some even have weapons. The undead are now endlessly rising out of the ground. The undead that are currently in the surface charge the guild. "Rrrahhh!" Utama slashes away 10 undead with one blow. Akuza rushes the undead and slashes legs off of 5 "Yamato finish them off!" "Alright!" Yamato cuts the heads off of the 5 undead. Misaka takes her kendo stance "Hup, Hup, Hup, Hup" Misaka in 2 slashes and 2 stabs kills 7 undead. "Aim for their heads!" Utama shouts. A undead grabs onto Utama's throat, then Utama thrusts his halberd through the undeads head. Utama coughs. "Don't give up! We can do this! Rahhhhhh" Utama swipes his halberd across 20 undead slicing all of their heads off and sending them flying. Akuza leaps over a undead horde slashing all of them killing 15 undead. "This isn't working!" Akuza yells. "Akuza! Did you see a Magicka circle while you were up there?" Yamato asks yelling

"No I didn't! I saw something glowing though!" Akuza says yelling back. An undead grabs Akuza pinning her to the ground. "Get the f*ck off me." She slices the undead's head off. "Go to the glowing area!" The undead continues to rush the guild from all sides. Misaka slashes 5 more cutting them down. Yamato and Misaka accidentally bump into each other. "Sorry!!!" Misaka says as she falls forward onto the ground. She looks at the ground panicked as a undead's hand reaches out of the ground and grabs her face. "I'm gonna die, I'M GONNA DIE! SOMEONE HELP ME!" The undead's hand digs into Misaka's face with it's nails scratching down it. Yamato springs into action and cuts the undead's hand off. "Get u-" A undead with a sword thrusts the sword into Yamato's back making the sword go all the way through his body. Misaka looks at him eyes wide open. "Y-YAMATO!" She screams. Yamato coughs up blood and falls to his knees. "UTAMA, YAMATO HAS BEEN HIT!" She screams. "Th-this is all my fault. My fault. All my fault." She says. "This is all your fault." An undead says. Misaka starts to become furious, shaking with rage, the ground beneath her shakes harder then the undead had made it shake. Misaka's eyes glow golden like the sun. "Holy light." A voice from within Misaka says. "Holy light" Misaka says. A bright light shines extremely bright from Misaka. Church bells ding as she relives her memories from the real world.

"H-Hey, Misaka wake up! You're never late waking up." A disembodied voice says. "Mnnmm five more minutes" Misaka says. The disembodied voice shakes Misaka. "Let's go it's time for school." The voice says. "Okay, okay." Misaka opens her eyes to see Ryu right in front of her. "We're going to be late for school if you don't hurry." Ryu says. Misaka gets up out of bed yawning and in her night gown. "I just had the weirdest dream Ryu." "We don't have time to discuss dreams Misaka we need to go to school." Ryu says. Misaka runs downstairs to get breakfast. "I guess I'll eat some left over Onigiri." She grabs it and runs out the door with Ryu. "I wonder what the new homeroom teacher is like." Ryu says. "There is a new homeroom teacher?" Misaka asks confused. "Yeah all the girls in the school have been talking about him, I'm surprised you had heard." Ryu says.

The siblings walk to school together and then take their shoes off and put them in their lockers and put their school shoes on. "Hey Misaka! Let's race to homeroom to see who is the fastest." Ryu says excitedly. "There you go again being childish just like time we went to the arcade to play Dest-" Misaka says confused and interrupted by Ryu. "Dest-?" Ryu asks. "There isn't a game called that out right now Misaka." The siblings walk to homeroom instead of racing. The siblings sit at their desks awaiting the homeroom teacher to come in. The homeroom teacher walks into the classroom. Misaka stands up from her desk and points. "UTAMA?!" "Wake up Misaka, wake up." Utama says. Her memory starts to fade back into reality. All the undead have been killed and Misaka is laying on the ground. "Ughhh, what happened?" Misaka says moaning and groaning.

"You admitted a bright light then all the undead vanished and you fell to the ground. Are you okay?" Utama asks. Misaka sits up and quickly looks to Yamato who is laying on the ground. "Is Yamato okay?" Misaka asks. "Yes, what ever you did treated him and yourself of all injuries. He will be asleep for awhile longer it seems. We can now rest here. Get setup in the nearby buildings just in case we have visitors that come out of the woods." Utama says. Utama picks up Yamato and places him inside of a old bar. The rest of the guild un packs their stuff inside the bar. "Let's go grab firewood and rocks so we can stay warm tonight." Misaka says. "Sounds good." Akuza says. "I'll come with you." Akuza and Misaka leave to go gather firewood. Utama and Yamato are left by themselves. "You know Yamato, I think Yakima is gone. It's a good thing we recruited Misaka. If we were down even one person we would have been killed. Plus she saved us from the undead. How am I supposed to be a Grand Guild leader if I can't even defend my damn guild." Utama punches the table pissed off. Yamato wakes up suddenly from the loud thud. "Ahhh!" Yamato says as he wakes. "Would you shut it? I'm having a moment." Utama says pissed off.

Utama walks into another room and breaks everything in the room. Yamato walks in after him. "Utama relax. You will get your chance." Utama looks at Yamato. "So you heard it all huh?. I suppose you're right. Right now isn't the time for this." Utama tries his best but he calms his rage and sighs. Misaka and Akuza walk into the bar. "Hey everyone we are back!" Akuza says. They are carrying loads of firewood. "We picked up enough for the night." Misaka says. "Alright sit it over there on the table." Utama says as he points to a vacant table. Misaka places the wood on the table. "Does anyone know how to make a fire?" Utama says. "I do." Yamato says. "Perfect then we will leave it to you." Utama says.

Yamato smashes some floor boards to get to the ground beneath. He then stacks the rocks in a circle making walls from the ground to above the floor board. "Now we can make the fire." Yamato peels off some dry bark from the wood pieces and places it in the pit. He bangs rocks together making sparks. The sparks light the kindling on fire. Yamato blows into the fire making it larger. He then throws the fire wood on top of the fire. "Wow a history buff and an outdoors man in one person?" Misaka says impressed. "Alright everyone let's eat and get rested! Then we head out for the outlaw guild."

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