Game VII: Outlaw Guild

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Y-You traitor! Misaka yells. "HA! You should have seen this coming." Yakima says, "maybe if you would have paid attention. Maybe my disappearance from the guild hall during the attack or my absence after. I made it pretty obvious." Utama snickers. "I knew this would happen. You never cared about the guild. Just yourself and your rubies. There was no sense of loyalty, honor, or respect when it came to you and yeah no sh*t you made it obvious. How long did it take for you to form your guild Yakima? How long have you been keeping this from us?!" Utama charges Yakima he slashes his halberd at Yakima but she blocks it. "Ever since I stepped down as founder. I knew the guild wasn't going to make it. It had no structure and no strength. Why do you think I made the Outlaw Guild? Because I gathered up all the strong outcasts, the ones who were on the streets, the ones the city wouldn't let in and I made the strongest guild that I could muster.

The rest of the guild attacks the outlaw guild. Akuza slides under one of the Outlaw Guild members, she spins and slashes his back with her sword. Another outlaw guild member slashes at Akuza but she blocks it. The impact makes Akuza slide backwards. Yamato meets blade to blade with an Outlaw Guild member, they trade blows. "Blade Technique, Lightning Blade." Yamato dodges the outlaw guild members blade and then he thrusts his blade into his chest. "Lightning!" The outlaw member gets shocked by the lightning and perishes. Utama swings his halberd again and Yakima blocks it, pushing Utama back. "Is that all you got?" Yakima says. A outlaw guild member slashes at Yamato but, pushes him back the member continues to slash and slam his sword into Yamato's.

"Ugh, this guy is tough." Yamato says. "Damn straight I am, little city guildy." The outlaw guild member continues to slash, breaking through Yamato's defense. "Shit!" The member slices Yamato's arm. "Ahhh, f*ck!" Yamato staggers. The Outlaw guild member looks to slash Yamato's neck but Akuza throws a throwing knife staggering the outlaw guild member. "Good looking out!" Yamato yells to Akuza. Akuza smiles but, as soon as she looks back, an Outlaw guild member pushes his sword into her neck. Akuza gargles on blood as it leaks out of her neck, she falls to her knees. The outlaw guild member beheads her, he picks up her head and yells a battlecry. Utama jumps into action and decimates the guild member that killed Akuza. "That fucking bastard!" Utama roars and slashes through 4 outlaw guild members. "Don't falter! She knew what could happen! Press on!." Misaka looks over at Utama and sees Akuza's head on the ground.

Misaka grabs her mouth and vomits on the outlaw guild member she was fighting. The guild member then vomits and runs away, Misaka looks back up and chases him. Misaka slices the guild members back, killing him. "How dare you kill her!!" Misaka says as she becomes enraged. Tears run down Misaka's face. "I'll kill you all! I'LL KILL YOU ALL! DIE! DIE! DIE!" Misaka says as she aggressively slashes, cuts, and stabs through killing the rest of the outlaw guild members besides Yakima. Misaka slams her sword down at Yakima but she blocks it. "As if you would be able to kill me like that." Yakima says. "Don't you have any remorse?" Misaka says angrily. "Remorse? For who? A failed guild that couldn't even decide on a name? Why should I care?!" Yakima swings but Misaka blocks it. Misaka repeatedly slashes at Yakima but Yakima blocks them all. Misaka rushes in but Yakima kicks Misaka in the stomach. "That's a dirty trick." Misaka says coughing. "If you think that's dirty, you haven't seen nothing yet, little girl." Yakima says as Misaka is charging towards her again.

Yakima kicks Misaka's knee with great force, breaking it. "Guys! Where are you?!" Misaka yells out to see the Utama's Guild's members are frozen in place and blurry. "Wh-What the" Yakima swings at Misaka but she blocks it, the attack knocks Misaka on the ground. Misaka looks up to the sky and sees a dialogue box saying Boss Zone. If your party doesn't enter the zone with you they will be unable to enter the boss zone. Yakima jumps onto Misaka and tries to stab her head but she dodges. Misaka sweeps her good leg knocking Yakima to the ground. Misaka uses her sword to help her stand up. "Ugh, what is this game? I want to go home and go back to the way things used to be." Yakima stands up. "Quit complaining we are not finished." Yakima says as she charges Misaka. "I WILL END THIS HERE!" Misaka manages to stand and blocks her sword. "I won't be beaten here." Misaka fights Yakima standing in place. "RRRAHHHH" Yakima slams her sword into Misaka's knocking her to the ground. "Not yet!" Misaka stands back up.

Yakima whistles. The dialogue box changes and displays "Boss has reached Phase 2." A hidden Outlaw Guild member appears on top of a building with a bow and arrow. The guild member launches an arrow at Misaka. She sees it coming towards her but she can't get her sword up in time. "I'm gonna die, I'M GONNA DIE!" Misaka says as the arrow penetrates her head, blood spills out and Misaka falls to the ground. "Good the ******* is dead. His highness will be happy." Yakima says as Misaka's eyes shut slowly and the voice's become muffled.

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