Game XVI: Royal Army

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"T-That sounds like a great offer but, I'm going to have to decline as I have to return to my guild. I accepted this quest because we are having a lot of trouble with betrayal and our members dying plus our Guild Hall is almost in ruins and we don't have the funding." Misaka says somberly. "Well, it seems you have your work cut out for you then. I'll be keeping my eye on you though because you're very talented. You just don't have enough strength behind your attacks. You will get there one day. Just keep working at it." Scott says. "I definitely will." Misaka says as she gets up out of bed, "I guess it's time to go back." Misaka says. "How about we escort you back. You're still in no condition to fight." Scott says. " I would appreciate that thank you." Scott escorts Misaka back to Lisotannia. "This is about as far as I can take you. I need to go back to the castle." Scott says, "That's alright. Thank you for taking me this far." She says as she walks to the guild hall passing the City Center and arrives at the Shadow Light guild hall. She opens the door. "Hey everyone I am back." "Welcome home Misaka." Utama says, "How did your quest go?" "W-Well I'm out of commission for a bit. I slayed the Goblins but, the Monster Orc King was summoned and I lost. The Royal Army showed up and defeated it." Misaka says somberly. "Th-The Royal Army?! Did you just say the Royal Army?!" Yamato says jumping out of his seat. "Yes, all they killed it and Junior General Scott Valderhide carried me back to Komza then had a doctor heal me and escort led me here." Misaka says, "YOU MET A JUNIOR GENERAL?! I don't believe you! You have to be lying." Yamato says.

"I am not lying but, I did get the Rubies we needed." She says, "Perfect hand them into Daichi. He now has an office upstairs." Utama says, "I'll head up there right away." Misaka says as she walks up the stairs. She looks around the hallway and sees a sign that says "Daichi, Shadow Light Accountant". Misaka walks up to the door and knocks. "Hello? Daichi, are you in there?" "Yes Misaka, come in." Misaka walks into the office. "How did you know it was me?" "You're the only living female in the guild." Daichi says. "A-Ah right. I wanted to give you the Rubies that I made from my latest quest." "That's great! We will definitely put it to use." Daichi says as Misaka hands him the Rubies. "Wow, that's enough to fix the inside of the guild hall. I can definitely work with that and get a supplier that can give us lumber cheaply. Also, I got a couple of builders that will work for free because of the recognition of working with a guild in Lisotannia." Daichi says excitedly. "That's perfect, I'll leave you to it." Misaka leaves the room and goes down the stairs to the leisure area. "Give me a drink!" Yamato says, "You don't need another one! Utama says, "You can't tell me what I do or don't need Utama." Yamato says, upset and a little tipsy. "Then you can stay outside for the night." Utama says, "Okay, Okay no more." Yamato says, as he gets up and goes up to his room and shuts the door. Utama looks at Misaka. "Congratulations on finishing your quest. Here is a drink." Utama says as he slides some ale to Misaka. She picks it up and gulps it down slamming it down on the table sighing. "Ahh, thanks Utama, that hit the spot." She smiles. "Now that you have loosened up a bit. I just wanted to tell you that we are doing well thanks to Daichi. He managed to set up merchant trading with the biggest merchants in Lisotannia.

This is an excellent opportunity for us to expand with the backing of merchants and suppliers. This is the break we have been waiting for! We can finally move forward." Utama says excitedly, Misaka gets excited as well. "We will finally grow and get to be a better guild!" Misaka says. Daichi walks down the stairs. "We will have suppliers and builders showing up tomorrow to repair the Guild Hall, sadly we can't expand yet." Daichi says, Utama looks at Daichi. "That's okay, we can work on it once we expand." Utama says as he heads to his office. "Follow me Daichi, we have some business to talk about." Utama says as he heads up the stairs to his office with Daichi. Misaka walks over to the quest board. There are many quest posters. One of these quest posters says "Kill the Rabid Dog in my backyard! Reward 5 Rubies." She looks at it and shakes her head. She looks at another one that says "I need someone to cut my grass. Reward 3R." She shakes her head again. "There isn't any good qu-" Misaka says as she looks over at another quest poster. "Most Wanted: Virkos the Innocent's Slayer. Dead or Alive." She smiles. "I'll do this one in the morning." Misaka says, as she takes the ques poster to her room and lays down. "It's been a long day but I gotta keep pushing forward." Misaka gets her night clothes on and lays in bed then she slowly drifts asleep.

It is the next morning.

Misaka yawns and stretches and get out of bed she hears pounding, banging, and sawing. "I guess the builders are already here." She gets dressed and heads down the stairs, she comes to the main area filled with builders. "Wow, there are a lot of people here." "There sure is Misaka. Come along with me to my office for a moment." Utama says as he heads towards his office with Misaka in tow. They both get to the office and Utama opens the door for Misaka letting her in. "Take a seat. We need to talk about the direction the guild is heading towards. This is imperative to the guild's failure or success. First off I would like to make sort of a round table for the guild like a faction of the people who make up the foundation of this guild if that makes sense." Utama says in a serious manner, "That sounds like a great idea. It will help with organizational purposes." "I agree. Also, we will be designing a guild emblem that will represent our guild in a professional manner. It will be an emblem based on the shadow of the sun. It will be perfect. For the faction, we are calling them Shadows. It will have a max of 5 people in the faction. It's mysterious and goes great with our guild name. The leader of the faction will be Myself. The Shadow of the Right is Yamato, and the Shadow of the Left is you Misaka. Congratulations, I am pushing your promotion up to now. Welcome to the Shadow Light guild permanently. You have helped us countless times and we have nothing but gratitude for it. Now I know you're about to be on a quest so, I'll leave you be. Dismissed." Utama says. Misaka leaves the room and goes to her room to pack her items. "Shadow of the Left, wonder what that means. Is it similar to Ministers in ancient Japan? If so, that's awesome!" Misaka says as her eyes light up 

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