Game IX: Rebuild

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"Alright everyone, let's try to get some sleep first. It's getting really late." Utama says as he looks outside pondering what is going to happen next. He takes off his equipment and carries it to his room. The rest of the guild members do the same. "Goodnight!" Misaka says to Yamato. "Night." Yamato says. Utama lays in his bed. "I can't believe this happened. We lost half the guild in such a short time span. What are we going to do?" Utama puts his hands on his face. "How do I even face my guild like this? This is like a nightmare come true. I lost Akuza...I-I was going to ask her to marry me." Utama starts crying. "Damn it, damn it all. Why did I have to be born in this time period?" Misaka cries in the other room hearing what Utama said curled into a ball on her bed. Utama eventually cries himself to sleep as well as Misaka, Yamato on the other hand fell asleep as soon as he laid down.

It is the next morning.

Misaka sits up out of her bed and stretches as well as yawns. "Well, time to get started." She stands up out of bed in her nightgown and gets undressed. She puts her day clothes on and then her equipment, opens the door to her room, and walks downstairs. "Hey everyone." Utama looks at her. "Hey Misaka, we are going to go retrieve Akuza's body. I got in contact with a Guard that knows how to handle dead bodies. He will bring her here and we will bury her here." "Like a coroner?" Misaka says. "A what?" Utama says. "N-Nothing, nothing!" Misaka says frantically. "Anyway continuing on, we are going to be naming the guild today as well as rebuilding the guild. I'm glad we did a couple of quests and with our passed comrade we will sell her stuff." Utama says. "We are selling Akuza's belongings?" Misaka asks. "No, we will be selling Yakima's items. The price of betrayal I'd say. I don't understand why she left her stuff here after the Outlaw Guild raided us." Utama says. "Let's just sell her stuff and get on with rebuilding." Yamato says. "Alright since everyone is ready, let's go to the Guild Information Broker." Utama says. The guild heads out into Lisotannia to go to the Guild Brokers' office but, on the way there.. "Yamato do you feel that?" Utama says. "Yeah someone is definitely watching us." Yamato says acting normally. "Just keep walking, no one will bother us here." Utama says. The guild arrives at the Guild Information Broker's office.

"Alright you two stay here I will talk to the Guild Information Broker." Utama says while opening the door and heading inside. "Hello! Welcome! How can I help you today sir?" The broker says. "Well I formed a guild awhile back and gave it a temporary name and well I'd like to give it a better name." Utama says to the broker. "Alright what is the current name of your guild?" "Well, it's just called Utama's Guild right now." Utama responds with. "Ah okay, let me check my records." A magical screen pops up and starts scrolling through guild names. "Hmm, let's see where it is. U...U...U..Ua..Us..Ut. Utama! I have found it! Utama's Guild. You have 5 members, Utama which I assume is you, Yakima, Akuza, Misaka, and Yamato. Is this correct?" The broker asks. "N-No sir, we lost two members yesterday. Yakima and Akuza. Yakima betrayed us and Akuza died in battle." Utama says somberly. "Well I didn't need that extra bit of info but, you have my condolences. What were you wanting to change your Guild's name to?" The broker asks.

"Shadow Light." Utama says confidently. "A very good name indeed! Let's see if that name has been taken by any other guild." The guild list starts to scroll again. "S..S..S..Shadow Alphas, Shadow Ban, Shadow Cats, Shadow...Dumpster?, Shadow Frame, Shadow Hell, Shadow...Light. Hmmm, I don't see a shadow light on here so the guild name is able to be used!" The Guild broker says excitedly. "Perfect!" Utama says happily. "Alright so, to change your name I'll need to file some paperwork." The Broker hands Utama a piece of paper. "This paper is to take a census of all your guild members. Their names, ages, races, and classes they are. You have to refile the paperwork due to the name change and the loss of guild members." The broker hands Utama another paper. "This paper is going to tell us the location of your currently purchased guild hall and what capacity the building has as well as how many guild members are sleeping in the guild hall. Also due to the name change, you will need to pay a fee of 1,000R." "Alright, I will get this paperwork finished." Utama pulls out his coin purse and lays out 1 Platinum coin. "That should cover the fee." Utama says."And it does sir! Perfectly! Now just get that paperwork filled in and hand it over! Utama sits down.

Utama puts one of the papers in his lap and the other on the table. He grabs the quill and dabs it in ink. The paper on the table reads Guild Census Information, Property of the Guild Masters."Alright, let's start writing." Utama fills out the Census page and the Guild Hall page and then stands up. He walks back over to the broker and puts the papers on the counter. "Splendid! You've finished already! Good handwriting might I add just give me a couple of seconds to read this over." The broker reads the papers. "Alright, your information checks out! Here is your new Guild Identification card." The broker says handing the card to Utama. "You're now the guild leader of Shadow Light!" "Thank you so much!" Utama says while leaving the office. "So, what did you choose for the guild name?" Misaka asks. "Shadow Light, it was Akuza's last name but I spelled it a little differently. Let's head back to the guild hall and frame our new guild identification card." Utama says. Shadow Light walks back to their guild hall passing the sign in the city center. Misaka stares at the sign while walking past it. They arrive at the guild hall. "Alright everyone I already prepared a frame." Yamato says. "You did? That's great!" Misaka says.

Utama places the GID card in the frame and hangs it above the main entrance on the inside. "I don't know what happened to our old GID card. I believe Yakima stole it in the Outlaw Guild raid." Utama says. "So where are we going to get the funds for the lumber? We need to rebuild all of our furniture, bar, and everything." Yamato says. "Like I said we are selling Yakima's items."

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