Game XXIV: Raid Preparation

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"EVERYONE, GATHER AROUND!" Utama yells. Everyone gathers in front of Utama. "Alright, here is the deal. We have been invited to raid with the Lisotannian guild Hound Dogs. I need everyone to collect your stuff and get ready, carriages will be coming to pick us up in an hour. So GET TO IT!" The guild scatters to gather their things. "Haha, this is the opportunity of a lifetime for us. If we get out there and kick ass, it will be the perfect way to win over another guild. Hell, we could even align ourselves with them." Daichi says. "How am I supposed to prepare for a raid and worry about who I am supposed to be choosing?" Misaka says, shaking her head while gathering her things. "An hour should be enough time for them to get ready, right Daichi?" Utama asks. "Of course, they should be ready in thirty minutes or less." Daichi says. "Want to bet on it?" Utama smirks. "You got yourself a bet." Daichi smirks. "Loser does what the winner wants for an hour." "Heh, perfect." Daichi and Utama shake on it. Utama walks over to the bar and grabs a glass for himself and Daichi. "Let's have a drink while we wait." Utama sits down at a table and Daichi follows his lead. Utama takes a sip. "You know old man this takes me back to our younger years when we were just mercs." Utama says. "Haha, that was a good time indeed, old friend. We have both steeled ourselves since then and look at what we have accomplished together so far." "You're right, it's been a great ride so far, old friend." Daichi says. They clink glasses. "To future events and better happenings!" "Hell yeah, I can toast to that!"

Thirty minutes passed.

"Looks like you lose again Daichi." "I wouldn't be so sure about that." Misaka walks down the stairs with Oda in tow. "We are ready, Guild Leader." "Looks like Yamato is late. Let's just see how la-" Utama says before getting interrupted. "No, I am right here Utama." Yamato says while walking down the stairs. "Looks like you got me Daichi. You win." "Haha! Always knew I would." The guild members look at the duo confused. "Ehm, now that everyone is ready I'll tell them to speed up the carriages. For this raid, we will be using magic items that will allow the user to talk over long distances to other users of the magic item. This will be pivotal to our survival in the raid. Now put them on." Utama hands the guild members magic items that look like earpieces. "These are earpieces!" Misaka shouts. Utama looks at Misaka. "This is serious Misaka, calm your antics." "Sorry, sir." The guild members place the magic items around their ears. "Testing! Testing! Can you hear me?" Utama yells into the magic item. "You're standing right in front of us. Of course, we can hear you." Yamato says. "Oh, that's right." Yamato facepalms. "Any way you heard me through the magic item right?" Utama looks at everyone and their eyes are watering. "Was I too loud?" "Yes" They all say. "That's my bad sorry team. I'm glad it's working though." Utama says smiling. "How come Daichi isn't coming with us?" Oda asks. "Well, I am not an adventurer anymore. I am now an accountant." Daichi says. "That makes sense." Oda says.

The carriages arrive.

"Alright everyone, they're here, let's go." Utama says. The guild enters the carriages and leaves Lisotannia. "Alright, everyone! We are going to a dungeon that has been threatening villages within its area. We want to minimize casualties and make sure everyone comes out of this alive. The Hound Dogs will be killing monsters that have already come out of the dungeon. They are entrusting us to go into the dungeon and kill the dungeon's master. This is pivotal for the surrounding area. It will prevent more monsters from nesting in the dungeon. This will be a hellish battle so those who cannot stomach it back out now! You will not walk away unharmed but, we will walk away victorious!

They arrive at the dungeon.

The Hound Dogs are already fighting the monsters on the outside of the dungeon. "Let's go, team!" Shadow Light exits the carriages. "HURRAH!"

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