Game XXII: Five is Company but, Eleven is a Crowd

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Yamato walks past the carriage and points. "What the hell is this?" He says to Utama. "It's the new aids Etsuko hired." Utama says while looking concerned. "Lighten up you two. They will take care of the manual labor around the hall and that's it." Misaka says. Yamato looks over an Oda. "Who's that?" He says. "Hello sir, I am Oda, your new Shieldsman." Oda says softly. "Oda? What kind of name is that?" "W-Well I am named..." "I don't care. Just make sure you do your job." Yamato says walking off and going into the guild hall. "Bastards replacing Yosushida like that is ridiculous." Yamato punches the table. Utama walks inside. "Yamato calm down! I know what you're thinking. We are replacing Yosushida, well we aren't no one can replace him." "THAT'S WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE TO ME! YOU GOT ANOTHER SHIELDSMAN EVEN THOUGH YOU SAID NO ONE COULD REPLACE HIM! WHAT THE F*CK." Yamato yells at Utama. "I get your frustrations but, if we are to continue as a guild we will have to get a Shieldsman sooner or later, and sooner is better." Utama says calmly. "YOU KNOW WHAT? FINE, F*CK THIS GUILD AND FUCK YOU." Yamato storms off into his room. Misaka walks into the guild hall. "Is he going to be okay?" "Yeah, he'll just drink some and pass out and forget why he got pissed off anyway." Utama says, sighing. "Now that I think about it. I didn't know much about the guild before I joined." Misaka says. "That's a story for later kiddo. Go talk to Etsuko and let her know he's calmed down." A maid is staring at Utama. "Sorry about that." He says, rubbing his head nervously, chuckling. The maid smiles and walks away.

"There will always be growing pains kiddo but, we will see it through to the end." Utama pats Misaka's head and gives her a thumbs up. Misaka smiles and leaves the guild hall to talk to Etsuko. "Is he okay in there?" Etsuko asks worriedly. "Yeah, he just needs some alone time. Where did Oda go?" "He went to be alone in the city. You should find him and tell him it's not his fault for Yamato's behavior." Etsuko says. "Alright, I'll go do that. Any idea where he went?" Misaka asks Etsuko. "Well, he is a man so check a tavern or something." "Good idea!" Misaka says as she rushes off. "This place is a mess. We are going to need a guild therapist, big time." Etsuko says to herself while walking into the guild hall. Misaka walks into a tavern not far from the guild hall. She looks around and immediately doesn't see Oda so she leaves. "This reminds me of something. When is the last time I have seen a drop come from a person or monster in this game? When is the last time I slept? I'm becoming more like a game character than a human." She stops at another locally owned tavern. She looks into the window and sees Oda sitting at a table with a woman flirting with him. This infuriates Misaka. "Who does she think she is?" She charges into the tavern. "Oda let's go." Oda looks up at Misaka. "Don't let her get you down, love. You're big and strong and you could have your way with me for a price." The unknown woman says. Misaka shoves the woman and grabs Oda's hand. "Let's go." Misaka pulls Oda out of the tavern. "I left because Yamato was mad because I was at the guild hall." Oda says sobbing. Misaka bops him on the head. "Idiot, he isn't upset because of you. He is upset at the memory of his friend and he doesn't know how to handle it properly." Misaka says, dragging Oda by the hand.

The pair arrive at the guildhall and they walk in. Yamato is sitting at a table drunk and still drinking, and Utama is behind the bar polishing glasses. Yamato looks at Oda. "Hey, it's Yosushida! Wefome back buddddy! What st-fl-ditch! Did you of you get out of to like be here right now?" "What should I do Misaka?" Oda asks worriedly. "Just wait." "Wait? Wait for what?" Oda says watching Yamato. Yamato's head hits the table as he passes out. "Op, there he goes. I'll take him up to his room. Y'all stay here I'll be back." Utama picks up Yamato and brings him upstairs. "He'll forget this happened in the morning. Oh, we also have a room for you and apparently all of the new helpers. I don't know when they build all that though. I'll show you to your room." Misaka walks up the stairs and brings Oda upstairs. "Your room is next to Etsuko's office." Misaka says as Utama leaves Yamato's room. "Showing him his room?" Utama says. "Yes, I am Guild Leader." She says. "Perfect! You're so reliable Misaka. You should get some sleep though, you're not looking good." He says concerned. "I'll go to bed now then." Misaka walks into her room and undresses then gets into bed. She shuts her eyes and slowly drifts off asleep. 

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