Game VI: A Dark Forest

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Everyone wakes up the next morning. Misaka sits up and stretches. "Good morning everyone." She gets up out of bed and gets breakfast. "The food tasted horrible but not as bad as the troll. " Misaka says to herself. "Once you're all done eating, get your equipment on and let's go." Utama says. Yamato fries up some meat over the fire with a cast iron pan. "This should definitely be good." Akuza walks over to Yamato. "What are you cooking?" "Just some food to eat." Yamato says affirming he isn't sharing. "Okay, okay I'll back off. I guess I'll go get my sh*t packed." Akuza says as she stands up and grabs her bag putting all her belongings in it. Misaka, having the same idea as Akuza, gets her belongings together in her bag as well.

"Everyone ready?" Utama says, looking at the guild. "We are!" Both Akuza and Misaka say. Utama looks towards Yamato who is still eating his breakfast. "Let's go Yamato, we need to leave now." Yamato quickly eats the rest of his breakfast and gets packed up. Utama walks out the door with the guild following closely behind. They continue through the village going to the edge of it as looking into the woods. "Alright everyone. I know how this looks, dangerous, scary, etc. But! If we work together and don't get split up we will get through this and also don't bump into your fellow guild mates." Utama says while looking over to Misaka. "Misaka, up front with me. We have something to discuss." He says. "Okay" Misaka says as she tried to catch up.

The guild starts to walk into the forest. "So, are you going to tell me what the hell that was back there and tell me why you haven't used whatever that was beforehand?" Utama asks. Misaka hangs her head. "I don't know what happened." She says. The guild continues to walk through the forest. Then suddenly an arrow flies past Utama, cutting his face. "TAKE COVER!" The guild members take cover behind trees as arrows keep flying past them. "Did anyone bring a shield?!" Utama yells. "No one did!" Akuza yells. "Alright we are going to move tree to tree until we meet the archer! Everyone ready?" They all give the thumbs up. "Let's go!" Utama gives a signal to Misaka. She moves to two trees in front of them. He then signals to Yamato to move. Yamato pulls a bow out of his bag with a quiver of arrows. He fires his arrows in the general direction of the archer moving to another tree.

This continues to go on until the meet the archer. "Just a simple goblin? How can it use a bow?" Akuza says. The goblin speaks. "You're trespassing on Goblin Outcast's land." Utama looks at the reader of this book. "You know reader. I'm pretty sure this is just filler so we cant reach the Outlaw Guild. That damn author." Utama says angerly. Akuza looks at Utama, "Filler? Author? Reader? What are those?" Akuza says. "I don't it's almost like I was forced to say those things." Utama says. "Are you even listening to me? Leave this forest immediately." The goblin archer says. Yamato fires a arrow piercing the goblins skull. The goblin falls out of the tree hitting it's head on the way down splitting it's head wide open. "Nice work, Yamato." Akuza says.

The guild continues to walk into the forest until they come along a abandoned town. "Another abandoned town?" Utama says. They walk into the town. "I feel like we are being watched." Misaka says. "Hmm I got that feeling too. Be prepared." Utama says. The guild becomes vigilant and looks around. A person steps out into the open. "Hahaha! Look at what we have here. I fancy pansy guild from the city. You're at the wrong place. Definitely at the wrong time." The man says looking around, "and you're definitely messing with the wrong guild." The man says. A group of 7 people walk out of the abandoned buildings. "Haha" "Look at these chumps." "They looking for a fight?" "Get out of here while you can."

"Stay back everyone." Utama says, "you're the Outlaw Guild right?" "No shit Sherlock. What do we look like?" "Haha step back boys I know these guys." A familiar face walks out of a nearby building. "Long time no see."

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