Game XIII: Journey to Komza Part I

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Misaka leaves Clerical Healings and walks to the City Gate. "Wait right there." A City Guard says. "Y-Yes Mr.Guard sir what is wrong? Misaka says shakenly. "You will need your entrance ticket if you're coming back here. It will be 35 Rubies." The guard says, talking with authority. Misaka hands the guard 35 Rubies, then the guard hands Misaka the entrance ticket. "Thank you, Mr.Guard, sir." Misaka says laughing and skipping. "You're welcome, kind miss." The Guard says, staring at Misaka. She skips to the border of the city passing by refugees outside the city. She slowly stops skipping, those people could have been me if the Cleric didn't save me. Misaka shudders at the fact. The refugees live in tents that have holes in them and broken down shabby buildings that were poorly constructed. "Wow, this is horrible. I wonder if our guild would be able to do something like this in the future." Misaka says, hanging her head down and quickly walking through the refugee slums. As she walks out of the refugee slums she arrives at a patch of woods. "That place was scary." Misaka says. Misaka is on a path that leads through the woods that leads to Komza; this path is just a dirt path in the middle of the brush. "Well, there are plants everywhere. How am I supposed to get through the pa-" Misaka says as she trips over a tree root. She stands back up and continues to walk down the old path. "This is the second journey I have been on by myself since I went to kill that Ice troll but, why the hell am I talking to myself." Misaka says confused. Then suddenly there were footsteps all around her which sounded like running but slowed when they came close to her. "H-Hello? Anyone there?" Misaka says as she draws her sword. The footsteps continue to follow her. "Utama?  Yamato? This isn't funny guys. Come on out now." Misaka says shakenly.

Misaka picks up a rock and throws it, it hits something and it whimpers like a dog loud growling erupts from the woods all around her. "What do I do? What should I do?" Misaka asks herself, scared. "I'll fight to the death." She says now standing firm. She forms a kendo stance preparing herself for the worst. A wild dog jumps out of the woods and she thrusts her sword through the dog killing it. Barking erupts around her and two more dogs jump out at her. One she slashes with her sword killing it and the other grabs onto her arm with her teeth knocking her down to the ground. Misaka is bleeding out of her arm due to the bite as she reaches for her pack and grabs a knife out of the side, she takes the knife and slams it into the skull of the dog killing it in one blow as she throws the dog off of her. "AHHHH you F*CKING BASTARDS. I'LL KILL YOU ALL! BRING IT ON!" Misaka says as she can feel her body heating up. Four dogs jump out at her at the same time. She takes the knife out of the dead dog's skull and throws it at one of the dogs hitting it in the head and killing it. She uses her sword to cut through two more dogs. The now-last attacking dog grabs onto Misaka's leg pulling her to the ground. She kicks the dog in the head with her other foot pushing it away from her. She reaches out and grabs her sword, the dog charges and she slashes it open killing it. The blood from the dog sprays out onto her. "I can't do this much longer." Misaka says, ripping off pieces of her pants and wrapping her wounds. Misaka struggles to stand back up. "D-Dont count me out." Misaka takes her kendo stance. "Let's go again, you bastards." Her vision is getting blurry as a loud howl echoes through the woods and the footsteps runoff.  "I-I need to sit."
Misaka sits down next to a tree sighing, she takes her pack off her back and gets out a water flask, and takes a couple of sips. She sits there resting until her bleeding stops and she falls asleep.

It is the next morning.

Misaka wakes up and yawns, still leaning against the tree. "I guess I won't be saved by some cleric this time." She says. She struggles to stand up and gets her pack back together. "Alright, nothing ate me in my sleep. I guess I'm lucky and insane too, standing here talking to myself. Oh well, let's just get up and get going." Misaka continues to walk down the old path, the area seems peaceful this time around with birds chirping and squirrels climbing trees. She reaches a clearing in the woods where there is a building, a Japanese-style country house. "Misaka, wait up!" A disembodied voice says. She turns and looks to where the voice came from, it was Ryu as a child chasing Misaka as a child. "You're too slow Ryu! You need to keep up!" Child Misaka says. The Sibling's Grandmother steps onto the porch. "Misaka!, Ryu! Time for lunch!" Their Grandmother says. The children run into the house. Suddenly the time changes tonight and child versions of Misaka and Ryu are outside of the house crying while the house is in flames. "I don't want to see this again. I DON'T WANT TO SEE THIS AGAIN!" Misaka says as she falls to her knees punching the ground. A figure comes out behind the house laughing. "Ohh Misakaaaa. Poor little Misaka. All alone again and scared again. What are you going to do this time Misaka?" The figure says laughing. "Are you going to stay with mommy and daddy again?" The figure says as he walks closer and appears in front of her. Misaka jumps backward at the scare. "Who are you?! What do you want from me?!" Misaka asks, yelling at the figure. "You know I can't answer that but, I am someone very close to you. I'll be waiting, Misaka." The figure says as Misaka awakens from the nightmare. "Wh-What the hell."

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