Game XV: Monster King Rises

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The Monster King erupts out of the ground ripping up the dirt and grass that he was covered in. The Monster King unburied itself now standing in the magic circle. The Monster King roars, his roar shakes the trees and scared the birds away. He is 10 feet tall Or carrying a bludgeon. The Orc walks towards Misaka breaking the ground with each step with boom sounds every step. "Ah f*ck this is really, really ba-" Misaka says, as the King Swings his large bludgeon slamming it into Misaka. He hits her so hard she goes flying into a tree breaking it as she hits it. "Aughh!" Misaka says as she falls to the ground after hitting the tree. She struggles to stand up as she becomes dizzy. "This is really f*cking bad. I need to get out of here or I'm gonna die!" Misaka turns around and starts stumbling, running away. "Oh f*ck, oh f*ck, oh f*ck." Misaka says as she hears thudding steps behind her chasing her. The Monster King Swings his bludgeon at Misaka but she narrowly jumps over it. "Ha, I'm catching on to your schemes." Misaka says as the Monster King swings his bludgeon again Misaka jumps onto the bludgeon, does a front flip, and slashes the Monster King's head. "RRRAHHHH" The Monster King Punches Misaka as she is still in the air, she goes flying but catches her footing. Misaka spits blood. "You gotta do better than that." Misaka says as she runs towards the Monster King. The King slams his bludgeon down but Misaka jumps and downward thrusts into its stomach, she pulls her sword out and backflips away.

As Misaka lands the Orc Monster King slams his foot down causing ripples in the ground making her lose her footing. The Monster King leaps into the air and tries to land on Misaka but she jumps out of the way. The Monster King teleports in front of her. "WHAT THE F*-" Misaka says as the Orc hits Misaka with his arm and sends her flying, she tumbles across the ground. "I-I think I'm gonna die." Misaka says as she attempts to stand up but falls back to the ground. "I-I can't STAND UP!" Misaka starts to panic. The Monster King starts to laugh as he walks towards her stomping. Misaka tries to stand up again to no avail. "NO! PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO DIE AGAIN! SOME ANCIENT BEING THAT'S GONNA SAVE MY LIFE BECAUSE I AM THE MAIN CHARACTER, SAVE ME!" Misaka says begging for help. "I SAID IM THE MAIN CHARACTER!" Misaka says, yelling. An arrow flies and hits the Monster King. Misaka looks in the distance and sees an army marching into the woods, she sees flags that have the symbol of the Royal Army of Lisotannia. A person steps right next to her. "Are you hurt miss?" Misaka looks up and sees the Junior General of the Royal Army. He has long blonde hair and a really nice completion. He holds out his hand and bows, "Junior General Scott Valderhide of the Lisotannian Royal Army at your service. We have come because of the Monster King's revival. He must not leave these woods or Lisotannia's welfare will be threatened.

Misaka looks up at the sky. "Thank you." She says. "The Royal Army with vanquish this beast. Can you stand?" Scott says. Misaka shakes her head no. Scott helps her back to the village. "I slayed all the Goblins." Misaka says, "It was during my time fighting the Monster King that they perished." The Village Chief walks to Misaka as Scott lets her go. "I must return to the fight." Scott leaves the village and goes to the battlefield with the Monster King. "You're pretty banged up Lisotannian." The Village Elder says, Misaka shakes her head yes. "Feel free to rest here as long as you want." Misaka goes back to her tent with the help of a villager. She lies down. "That was rough. Man, I need to get stronger. This is ridiculous. I-I-I can't even fight one monsterrrr!!" Misaka says crying, the guild is gonna brand me as a failure and I'll be kicked out. Her anxiety sets in. "What do I do? WHAT DO I DO?!" Misaka says wailing, slowly crying herself to sleep.

The next morning.

"I think she is going to be just fine. All that happened was that she popped her knee out of place and has a few broken ribs." "Thank you Doctor." Scott says as Misaka awakens. "Hmm? What's going on?" Misaka rubs her eyes, "Scott? What are you doing here?" She says. "To make sure you're okay. I witness you fight the Monster King on your own and colored me impressed. It took a whole squadron of men to take him down and you held your own against it for a while there. If I can ask, where are you from?" Scott says looking closely at Misaka. "I am from Lisotannia and am from a Lisotannian guild named Shadow Light." She says to Scott sighing, "Probably not for long though because I failed to kill the Monster King." She looks down sadly. "Haha, that's what you're worried about? Look, you did some amazing work out there and I am extremely impressed which isn't something I say to everyone. I want you to join the Royal Army and forget about this guild nonsense. It's better pay and you have a guaranteed good life for your children and your children's children." Scott says in a serious tone.

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