Game X: Ablaze

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A guard walks into the guild hall. "Is Utama here?" The guard says in a deep voice. Utama looks over at the guard and walks up to him "Artreius you don't recognize me? We literally just saw each other." Utama says laughing. "You look a lot different in your armor Utama." Artreius laughs. "We barely got to talk last time. How are things." Utama says. "They're an old friend but, let's get down to brass tax. Your friend Akuza is ready to be lit ablaze." Artreius says. "Lit ablaze? How can you light someone who is dead on fire?" Misaka says. "That is how things are always done right?" Utama says confused. "Y-Yeah right. Sorry." Misaka says. "Alright let's get this finished. Then we can continue rebuilding our guild. Everyone grab your things we are leaving." Utama says. "I am already, ready to go." Misaka says. "Perfect, Yamato are you ready yet?" "Yes, I am ready." Yamato says. "Alright let's head out." Utama says. The team heads out into Lisotannia to go to the church. "So Utama how long ago was the guild created?" Misaka asks. "Hmm, I had forgotten you're new here with everything happening.

The guild was created about 2 years ago or so underneath Yakima, the name was originally Si no Hikari meaning the Light of Death. Yakima couldn't handle the leadership aspect so I took over and changed the name while she handled finances. It was a good run for a while until all of this happened. I had some suspicions when she wasn't showing up as often as she used to bug, I wasn't expecting her to just create an illegal guild. Oh well though they have been defeated." Utama says. The guild arrives at the church. A priest stands behind the podium while Akuza's body rests on logs of wood with kindling around it. "Ah, the Shadow Light guild has arrived at last! We have prepared the subject that will be laid to rest." The Priest says. "Perfect, then shall we start with the ceremony?" Utama asks. "Right away, come on out now!" The Priest says. Devotees open the doors on the interior of the church, and the devotees hold torches that are on fire. "May those who come to this world be laid to rest, may those who come to this world be laid to rest, may those who come to this world be laid to rest". The devotees say before stopping in front of Akuza. "We shall let the late Akuza rest so her soul does not become tarnished. Once she rests she will be free from her body and this world! Rest Akuza Rest!" The Priests says. "Rest Akuza Rest, Rest Akuza Rest, Rest Akuza Rest."

The devotees light her body ablaze. "May she rest in peace." The Priest says. "A-Akuza" Misaka says crying. "Stay strong Misaka, she wouldn't want us to cry over her." Yamato says. Misaka turns her head away as Akuza's body turns to ash. "May the Divine One let her rest." The Priest says. "May the Divine One let her rest." the Devotees say. Utama turns to the guild. "She is now in a better place, everyone." Utama says. "Yes, she is now resting and the Ceremony is now hereby over!" The Priest says. "Well that was, I have never experienced something like that before." Yamato says, sighing. "It's hard your first time isn't it." Utama says, he looks over to Misaka. Misaka is bawling her eyes out. "They burned her! They burned her!" She cries out. "Of course they did, she needed to be set free." Utama says. "HOW DO YOU SET SOMEONE FREE BY BURNING THEM?!" Misaka yells crying loudly. "Misaka calm down! The church has a special type of wood that burns Holy Fire, cleansing the soul and the body." Utama says.

"I-I suppose that makes sense." Misaka says, rubbing her eyes. The guild leaves the church. The guild passes the city center sign and Misaka stares at it. "Why do you always stare at that sign?" Yamato asks. "W-What?!" Misaka says as she jumps. "I-I wasn't staring at the sign." She says. "You clearly were staring at the sign." He says. "N-No" She says. The guild continues to walk. "Whatever you say." He says. The guild arrives back at the guild hall. Utama opens the front door and the guild sits down. "Alright, so now that we are in this situation. We need to bring on someone who can keep track of Rubies." Utama says. "Where will we find someone like that?" Yamato says. "I have just the idea." Utama says

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