Game XVII: Vemnos District

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"Virkos, is known to wipe out whole villages just for his own satisfaction. He kills the men and the male children first then rapes the woman and female children. He is the worst as the worst gets. There is no one who has lived long enough to tell his tale. 0 he will meet his demise." Misaka says, "That's great and all but, who are you talking too?" Utama asks as he opens Misaka's door. "The Reader of course." Misaka says, "Reader?" Utama asks, confused. "Never mind, forget about it." Misaka says as she finishes gathering her items. "You're hunting Varkos today. Hmm, take Yamato with you." Utama says to Misaka while looking at her. "I'm sorry Guild Leader but, I cannot. Alas, I need to get stronger on my own without the help of others." Misaka says, "I understand that. Be careful though, we don't need to lose you too." "You won't. I packed multiple health refresher potions and I am bringing food and lots of water." Misaka says as she picks up her pack and walks out her door and then down the stairs. "Misaka! Before you go have a drink. I have been making my own ale." Yamato says as he gives the drink to Misaka. "I don't know Yamato, it smells really strong." "It'll be fine! It's not that strong, it's strong enough to loosen you up a bit so you're not stressed." He says to Misaka. "Alright, Alright you convinced me." Misaka says as she downs Yamato's ale. "Woo! That's some good sh*t. It tastes sweet and like vanilla. I would definitely love to have more sometime. You could really make some good Rubies off of this." "That's a seriously great idea, Misaka. I'll have to take you up on that." Yamato says.

"Alright Yamato, I have to go now." Misaka heads out of the Guild Hall pulling out the quest poster "Most Wanted: Virkos the Innocent's Slayer. Dead or Alive. Last seen in Lisotannia in the outskirts of the Vemnos District." "He is in Lisotannia but the Vemnos District is pretty far from Aurora and will take at least a few hours. I guess I was overpacked." Misaka says pissy, "That's alright though." She says as she walks down the road to the city center as she gets to the sign and stares at it. "Vemnos is that way." Misaka says as she walks down the path to Vemnos. The path becomes darker as buildings wrap over the top of the path. "This isn't anything I have seen before in Lisotannia." She says, nervously. The builds are broken and falling apart, windows smashed in and people outside of taverns drinking and throwing up. "This place is terrible." Misaka says, "H-Hello lady cares to joinded me in bed?" A drunken stranger that walks up to Misaka says "No, thank you sir I don't do those types of things." "Come on little lady, let's have some fun." The Stranger grabs Misaka's hand but Misaka shoves him. "You little b*tch how dare you push me." The Stranger draws his sword then Misaka jumps and draws her sword. The Stranger charges Misaka and she parries it. She sends the stranger's sword flying, then she shoves him to the ground then he hits his head and becomes unconscious. She bends down and checks his pulse. "Good he is still alive. I better continue on." Misaka continues on her way to an information tavern in the Vemnos District.

She turns down a side street and walks up to a tavern. "I think this is the place." She says as she walks into the tavern and up to the bar. "I'm looking for Virkos." Misaka says to the bartender. "Virkos huh? Where did a little lady like you hear a name like that?" The bartender says, as Misaka takes out the quest poster and slams it on the table. "Lookie here, we have a big shot from a guild. Ain't this nice. Lookie here big shot you can find him at the Vemnos Inn but, I didn't say nothin." The Bartender says. "Thanks for the info bartend I'll be on my way now." Misaka walks to the door but a big burly man stops her. "You can't leave without having a couple of drinks." The man says. "BEN leave the chick alone. Look at her eyes, she'll wipe the floor with you." The Bartender says. "Alright, Alright jeez." The man backs away. Misaka walks out the door. "Vemnos Inn? I wonder where that is. Oh! The spell book Utama gave me." She pulls the book out of her back and flips through the pages. She comes up on a navigation spell, it reads "Will place a physical compass in your hand. Just say where you need to go and it will direct you there." "This is perfect for what I need. The spell is Direct Me Northstar!" Her hand glows and a compass appears in her hand. "Vemnos Inn!" She says, then the compass directs her to the inn and she follows it. She comes up on the one and only Vemnos Inn. "I made it." She says as she opens the door and walks into the Inn. Misaka looks around the inn and doesn't see Varkos, so she walks up to the innkeeper. "Hey, have you seen Varkos the Innocent's Slayer?" She says in a pissed-off tone. "Of course I have, he is staying here. In fact, here he comes now." The Innkeeper says as Varkos walks down the stairs. "Someone calling me?" Varkos says.

"Yes, Varkos this little lady right here." The Innkeeper says. "What do you want?" Varkos says, "For you to die!" Misaka says as she rushes towards Varkos.

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