Game XXIII: Growing Pains

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The next morning.

As Misaka is waking up she can hear clashing and banging. "Wh-Whats going on." She says rubbing her eyes and stretching. She yawns before getting out of bed. She stands up and gets dressed, then she walks downstairs and looks around but sees nothing. She walks outside and hears yelling. "PROVE YOUR WORTH. PROVE THAT YOU'RE AS GOOD AS YOSUSHIDA!" Yamato yells as he swings his sword at Oda but he blocks it with his shield. Oda pushes Yamato back but he steps onto Oda's shield then jumps into the air and tries to slash Oda's back but Oda kicks him mid-air. Yamato falls to the ground unconscious. "I guess I won." Oda says. "That was great Oda. I haven't seen anyone beat Yamato before." Misaka says. "Well, I learned it from you Misaka. Never fight in a way that your opponent expects." "You got that just from watching me? You're a quick learner. You're large, smart, and quick on your feet. A perfect fit for us." Misaka says smiling. "I am but I cannot defeat you." Oda says, smiling back. "Ehm" Etsuko says. Misaka and Oda look away quickly. "It seems you're a good trainer, Misaka and you're one of the Shadows. I am going to be assigning you as a trainer of the recruits. I already approved it with Utama." Etsuko says. Misaka gets excited. "So I have an important position in the guild!" "You have always had an important position in the guild. You're the Shadow of the Left which means you're the third in charge."

"Really? I didn't see it like that." Misaka says to Etsuko. "Yes but, don't let the power go to your head child. That's the most important rule of being in a position of power. As soon as you let it go to your head you lose who you truly are." Etsuko says. "I understand Etsuko. I'll heed your words. I am going out on the town. I have a special sword waiting for me." Misaka says as she winks. She exits the guild hall and walks to the city center looking around. "Now where was it?" She follows a path ignoring the sign at the city center and ends up in front of a weaponsmith's workshop. "This is the place. You thought I was going somewhere else." Misaka says laughing and shaking her head. She walks into the workshop. "Hey, I ordered a custom sword, named under Misaka." She says to the weaponsmith. "Ah, yes I have it right here. Misaka of the ever-growing Shadow Light guild. You order a custom sword that will not break but that is also very light. It's the perfect sword for someone agile." The smith hands the sword to Misaka wrapped in cloth. Misaka unwraps the cloth, her face lights up. "This is perfect. Absolutely what I was looking for." "I'm glad you like it, Miss Misaka." "Of course, thank you." Misaka leaves the workshop and heads back to the guild hall on her way she runs into Daichi. "Haha! Hey Misaka! Nice new sword! Meet me in my office. There are matters I wish to discuss with you." He says to Misaka. "Alright sounds good." She says.

Misaka makes her way back to the guild hall. Yamato isn't lying unconscious anymore on the training area. She makes her way inside and sees Yamato with his arm around Oda while they are both drinking. "You know Odie you're sl-not hat bad for a shieeeeldmaaaan." Yamato says. "You're not too back yourself Yamato." Oda says. Utama signals to Misaka to walk over to him and she does. "Daichi is waiting for you in his office. He seems really happy about something." Utama whispers. Misaka walks up the stairs and to Daichi's office, knocking on the door. "Come in Misaka." She opens the door. "Utama said you were happy with something." "Of course I am. We just got approved to start full recruitment via the quest boards, thanks to the City Lord. This means we can advertise and that means you're going to be busy. You better hurry and get an apprentice because if you don't all you're going to do is train recruits. Which is not something we both want. That's the reason why I called you here. I have 3 candidates to become your apprentice. I'll give you their resumes and I need you to pick which one you want." Daichi says. "Why is an accountant doing work like this?" Misaka says. "Well, the main reason is that Etsuko asked me to talk to you about it while she is out. She arranged this whole thing. The approval from the City Lord, the recruitment & training process, and the candidates." He says to Misaka. "She has done a lot in a week." She says to Daichi. "Of course she has. She is the best of the best. I'm surprised she agreed to join up for no starting salary. Well just think about what candidates you want as your apprentice this is a very important step for you and for Shadow Light." Daichi says.

Misaka exits Daichi's office. "I've never had to pick someone out from a crowd before. This is going to be a difficult task."

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