Game XXI: Etsuko the Nonchalant

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Etsuko's assistant Itsune brings the luggage up to the office/living space. Etsuko walks downstairs and pulls Utama aside. "What exactly are you looking for in new recruits?" Etsuko asks Utama. "Well, I am currently looking for capable support for the guild right now. Ones that understand the meaning of taking hits and protecting." Utama says. A person walks into the guild hall. "H-Hello I am the new hire for the bartender slot." The bartender says. Utama looks at him. "It took you long enough to get here, it's been a year since I contacted you." "Sorry sir, there were complications with my family." The bartender says. "What's your name kid." Etsuko says to the bartender. "Oda, ma'am. Named after the great samurai Oda Nobunaga." Oda says. "What are you experienced with, fighting-wise?" Etsuko asks." "I have fought with a shield in one hand and a sword in the other since I was a child." Oda says. Etsuko looks at Oda's bodily features. Oda is buff and has scars on his arms and slicked-back hair. "You will do. Instead of bartending you will be Shadow Light's new Shieldsman. We will talk more upstairs. Let's go." Misaka looks at Utama. "What? She is a good fit for us." Utama says. "A good fit as in?" Misaka says. "She is just as awkward as the rest of us and she understands what she needs to do. She is the best of the best." Utama says. "Fair point I could see that." Misaka says. Etsuko and Oda walk down the stairs. "He has signed the paperwork and is ready." Etsuko says to Utama. "Perfect, Misaka, go into town and help him pick out gear. Etsuko and I have a lot to talk about." Utama says. Etsuko and Utama walk upstairs into Utama's office. "Alright Utama, you have a lot to work on here. Why should I stay and help you?" "Well, that's an easy answer. For one we are working to be influential both in politics and power. The point of Shadow Light is to be a force in the shadows." Utama says. "Like assassins?" Etsuko says. "No, not like assassins. Like a special force to the Royal Army." "That's a big want. I like it. An army for the army. That's perfect. That's very good for marketing! I can make that work. Let's start now!" Etsuko says excitedly. "But-But" Utama says. "No buts! We are doing this now!" Etsuko says. "We don't even have a plan yet." Utama says to Etsuko as she runs out the door. "What have I gotten us into?" Utama says.

Etsuko runs past Misaka and Oda. "Get back to the guild hall if you're done shopping!" Etsuko says running down the street. "Let's go see what's going on Oda." Misaka says as she picks up the pace. "You know Oda for a guy your size you sure are timid. That's not a bad thing and I wasn't saying it was by the way." "You're fine Misaka I understand." Oda says while rushing behind Misaka. They both get back to the guild hall and walk in rushfully. "What is going on?!" Misaka says loudly as she looks at Utama who is sitting at the bar having a drink. "What are you talking about?" Utama says, looking confused. "We were told to hurry back here by Etsuko." "She told you to hurry back? Anyway since you're here it seems the new guy is kitted out pretty well. I want to see him fight. Go out to the training area and spar." Utama says. The pair go to the training area which consists of a large patch of dirt/sand on the ground. "They will be updating our training area in the next expansion." Misaka says to Oda. "Sounds fine to me." Oda says as he holds up his shield in front of him and a sword in his right hand. His shield extends to his knees. "I see you like long shields, you must be compensating." Misaka says, smirking. "You wish." Oda says. Misaka charges Oda. Utama walks out to the training area to watch. Misaka jumps and slams her sword downwards onto Oda's shield. He blocks it and pushes her back, knocking her down. Oda swings his sword but Misaka kicks his shield making him stumble. She kicks it again and spins, swiping his legs out from underneath him, knocking him to the ground. "Ugh" Oda says, standing up. As he looks up, Misaka has her sword tip in his face. "Alright, alright I surrender." Oda says.

"What a nice fight. Misaka has good skills." Etsuko says. Utama jumps in fright. "What the hell? When did you get there?" He says. "Well after I recruited two maids, a landscaper, a bartender, and a Head of Housekeeping. The head of housekeeping will oversee the other positions I mentioned before." Etsuko says quickly. "H-How did you manage all of that already?" Utama says surprised. "Oh, I forgot I also hired a keeper who will maintain the building itself also don't worry Daichi already knows about all of this and he said that it fits well within our new budget." She says quickly again. "New budget? Upkeeper? Head of Housekeeping? I just don't understand how you got all this done so quickly." Utama says. "Keep up with the times old man. We must keep progressing instead of standing still." Etsuko says. "Fine, Fine. You handle it. I see why they call you the nonchalant." Utama says.

A carriage arrives in front of the guild hall. Horses stomp and neigh. "Look at that, they are already here." Etsuko says smiling. The people exit the carriage smiling really wide. "Thank you for the opportunity, Ms.Etsuko!"

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