Game XXV: Dungeon Raid

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"Alright team, let's move!" Utama yells as he signals the guild to move forward using his halberd. The guild charges forward, running past the Hound Dogs and going into the dungeon. "Oda! To the front!" Oda moves to the front of the group with his shield outwards. "I'll be your spearman. Misaka, Yamato cover the rear." The duo moves into position. "Forward!!!" The guild moves in unison down the dark path. "Monsters in front!" Oda prepares himself. The Monster growls and snarls while charging Oda. Oda bashes the monster and it stumbles backward. Oda quickly moves as Utama swings his halberd decapitating the monster. "Good work Oda. Let's continue!" The guild continues to move forward not encountering any more monsters. They come to a large opening in the cave. "Stay on guard team." Utama whispers, a plant lights up on the ceiling lighting up the opening in the cave. There is a small body of water and in it is an island. The dungeon master stands there cackling. The guild is surrounded by goblins. "Form up! Form an O!" The guild moves into formation. "Here they come!" The dungeon master points. The Goblins form clusters of three in a formation, one of these clusters then charges the guild, while another comes from a tunnel behind the guild attacking the guild. "Stand your ground! Don't let them through the rear!" Oda shoves the cluster in front making them stumble again repeating the same strategy from earlier. Misaka and Yamato block attacks from the cluster attacking from the rear. Misaka parries a Goblins attack knocking it off balance as she slashes the goblin's torso killing it, blood from the goblin sprays everywhere as Yamato decapitates another goblin. The last goblin standing runs away. "How is it going over there Guild Leader?" Misaka asks. "We killed them off. No injuries." Utama says. "Same here." She says back.

The dungeon master stomps his foot in anger and points again. This time three clusters attack the guild. "Oda, handle yourself this time around." Oda gets into position and hunkers down. "Time for the smash slash." He says as slides his shield across the ground smashing it into the goblins. They fall to the ground. Oda unsheaths his sword and moves his shield and slashes the goblins killing them instantly. Utama swings his halberd and the goblins attempt to block it but Utama's strength is too much for them. Utama slams them into the side of the dungeon breaking their swords in half and then slicing right through their bodies. The dungeon master taps his staff on the ground, the goblins retreat as a thumping can be heard. Then a loud ground-shaking roar. A giant troll walks into the open, standing about 15 feet tall. "Yamato! Misaka! You two will focus on the finishing blow! Oda and I will take its legs out!" Utama yells. Oda and Utama run to its legs. "Cover me Oda!" Utama and Oda run along its legs, slashing its legs. The troll kicks toward Oda and Utama but Oda blocks it with his shield. "Switch Oda!" Oda moves and Utama swings his mighty halberd leaving deep wounds in the troll's lower legs. The troll roars a loud roar as it falls to its knees. "Misaka! Yamato! Finish it off!" Utama yells. Misaka and Yamato both run around the backside of the troll. They look at each other and nod their heads. They both jump in the troll's back and slash the back of the troll's neck but their swords bounce off.

The troll laughs as it stands back up, it punches Oda's shield sending Utama and Oda flying, they slam into the dungeon wall and fall on the ground unconscious. The troll grabs Misaka off its back and slams her into the ground, knocking her unconscious. Yamato jumps away. "F*ck, f*ck now what do I do?" The troll laughs as it stomps the ground. "Shut up you overgrown pile of sh*t. Let's go then." Yamato charges the giant troll but the troll grabs him. "B**tard" Yamato slices its fingers off. "I ain't done yet!" Yamato charges again this time leaping in the air and slashing the troll's torso. "I guess its weak points are hard but everywhere else isn't. "Come a**hole let's dance" Yamato smiles as he charges the giant troll, the troll swings but Yamato jumps over it. He slams his sword into the troll's arm, slicing it from shoulder to wrist. The troll roars and grabs Yamato and throws him but he lands on his feet skidding across the ground he bends down on one knee. "UTAMA WAKE THE F*CK UP!" The giant troll laughs. As it charges Yamato. "Damn this doesn't look good." Yamato stands back up. "Alright a**hole, I am ready." The troll swings its fist towards Yamato but he jumps onto its hand and kicks off of it slashing the troll's face. Due to the slash the troll stumbles backward holding its face. Yamato laughs. "Who's laughing now?! Let's continue, you oversized fleabag!" Yamato charges the troll but it stomps the ground knocking Yamato off balance. He falls to the ground. The troll attempts to stomp Yamato but he moves out of the way in time.

Misaka opens her eyes slowly. "Ugh, what's going o-" She says as she vomits blood. "I guess I'm down for the count." She says as she lies there with her eyes open. "SOMEBODY WAKE THE F*CK UP AND HELP M-!" Yamato yells as he gets hit by the troll and goes flying tumbling across the ground. "Y-You son of a b-." The troll runs at Yamato. Misaka stands up to her feet. "Ugh" She says as she holds her head. "I need to help Yamato" She walks towards Yamato and the troll runs past her but she slices its ACL open and it falls to the ground. Misaka collapses. "Do good things Yamato. You got it." She faints. Yamato stands up and charges the troll he thrusts his sword into the troll's head and then into its brain. The troll collapses, he climbs the troll, and repeatedly slash's the back of the troll's neck. While he is continuing to slice the troll he gets closer and closer to penetration. "I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL F*CKING KILL YOU AND THE REST OF YOUR GOBLIN FRIENDS! YOU F*CK! F*CK YOU, F*CK YOU, F*CK YOU, F*CK YOU!! Yamato screams as he slashes the troll repeatedly until he finally penetrates the troll's armor. A lot of blood releases and the troll roars one last time before being defeated. Yamato falls to his knees. "HOUND DOGS!!!!" He yells one last time before fainting. The Hound Dogs run into the dungeon.

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