Informational Game I:

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"What are informational Games? Ryu asks. "Well I'm glad you asked Ryu. Information Games are Games that the author uses to give information to our readers. These will be an extremely important part of the storytelling of our story!" Misaka says. "Make sure to read these games thoroughly because these games give out key information!" Ryu says.

"Let me explain Misaka to you. She is a red-haired Japanese girl who carries a sword on her side. She is 17 years old and is experienced in kendo. She trained in kendo for many years ever since she was a kid. Due to this she has a toned body and has enough strength to kill small-sized animals by herself. She currently wears a metal chest plate and metal gauntlets with leather leg guards & boots." Ryu says.

"I am not currently in this story so, I cannot tell you what I look like." Ryu says

"I'll explain Utama to you. He is an older man that has medium-length hair that is white. He has a scar across his face and wears blue metal armor with white accents. His armor is very up kept but has slight damage. He is 6 foot 5 inches meaning he is currently the tallest character in the story besides Daichi who matches his height." Misaka says.

"I'll go off and explain the drunk idiot Yamato to you. He wears silver armor and has shoulder-length brown hair. He has a decent build but is very proficient in weapon techniques which makes him a key player within the guild." Utama says.

"That's it for now! I hope you continue to enjoy our story!" Misaka says as herself and Ryu wave to the reader.

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