Game XIV: Journey to Komza Part II

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Misaka stands up wincing in pain as she gets her pack together and starts walking down the path. "That was some dream last night. What does it all mean?" She mutters to herself as she comes up to a sign that says Komza Village left and Delmsworth Village right. The left path is taken.

Three hours pass.

"I have been nonstop walking." Misaka says to herself. She hears talking in the distance. "I think I made it. Finally." She gets to a clearing and a brush. She sees a decently sized walled-off village using shaved trees as walls; a sign above the gate reads "Komza Village". "I finally made it." Misaka says happily before passing out in front of the gate due to her wounds and exhaustion. "Someone get down there and help them!" A faded voice says before Misaka loses consciousness. "Miss? Miss? Helloooo, are you awake yet? MISS?!" a disembodied voice says as Misaka jumps up. "What?! Who are you? Where am I? This again?!" "You're in Komza Village. A remote village a few hours away from Lisotannia." The person says, looking baffled, that Misaka woke up.  "I actually made it. That's great. It was quite a long journey to get here from Lisotannia, you know." Misaka says happily. "You're from Lisotannia?! No way, we never have visitors from Lisotannia here." The Stranger says excitedly. "I came here because of a quest poster." Misaka stands up out of bed. "I am Misaka from the Lisotannian guild called Shadow Light." Misaka says confidently. "You're from a guild?! I'll go get the village chief right away!" The Stranger runs off. "What is up with this place? They think being part of a guild is an amazing thing and being from Lisotannia as well. This place is weird." Misaka says to herself. An old man walks into the tent Misaka was resting in. "Welcome to our Village, Misaka from Shadow Light. We are overjoyed to have you in this humble village. Welcome to Komza. We were surprised when someone esteemed as yourself came from Lisotannia to help our little village. We thought no one from Lisotannia would come as the city is full of nobles and royalty." The Village Chief says. Misaka has a flashback of the refugee camps outside of the city walls. Babies crying and people asking for Rubies. Misaka half smiles. "W-well I am here to help." "That's great then. We have a Goblin problem at the moment. They keep killing our livestock outside the village and preventing trade with other villages. This has been going on for five years now and we were just able to get our quest poster up." The chief says.

"We need you to slay all the goblins for us. You will be paid handsomely." The chief Days worried that Misaka won't follow through with the quest. "Of course, it shouldn't be a problem. I am feeling as good as new." Misaka says, cracking her neck and her shoulders. "Really you will vanquish these evildoers?" The chief says. "Yes, sir I definitely will. "That's perfect then. We gave you more items in your pack like bread and powdered milk and snacks like cookies." The chief says. "Well thank you, I'll be on my way now." Misaka says, as she stands up and walks out of the tent the Village gate opens for her and she leaves the village. She starts by patrolling the clearing that surrounds the village. She sees a farm in the distance and decides to check it out so she walks over to the farm and sees dead cows on the ground. "Hmm they appear to have been stabbed and their organs ripped out of them." Misaka says. A Dialogue box pops up and says "Would you like to investigate further?" Misaka presses the "Yes" option. Her vision zooms in on key parts of the cow. The Dialogue Box says "Deceased 30 minutes ago. Multiple lacerations to the abdomen. Organs removed." "Hmm, this just got more interesting. These goblins are supposed to be in the Dark Forest. How come they are here?" Misaka ponders as she unsheaths her sword as she walks near the woods, she smells a really bad odor. "Whew, that's terrible." Misaka says as she walks closer to the odor within the woods. She starts to crouch down so she can move more quietly. Goblins have been spotted by Misaka. They have a goat carcass laying on the ground and cow organs next to them. A large magic circle drawn in blood contains the carcass and organs. She hears the goblins chanting in their native language. "It looks like some sort of ritual." Misaka whispers.

The Dialogue Box pops up "Would you like to translate? Yes or No?" Misaka selects yes she can now hear the Goblins in her native language. "The Monster King ***** has risen. The Monster King ***** has risen. Let him rain destruction on the humans. Let him rain destruction on the humans. Kill all the humans! Kill all the humans! We shall summon our King to rain destruction on all humankind so we can be set free! So we can be set free! The magic circle activates and begins to glow. The Dialogue Box says "STOP THEM NOW!" Misaka jumps out of the brush and into the open, thrusting into a goblin killing it. "I'll continue the ritual. Kill her!" A Goblin Shaman says. The Goblins charge Misaka as the archers fire at her. Misaka does backflips to avoid the archers but a goblin swordsman slashes Misaka's back. "AHHHHH FUCK!" Blood spills out of Misaka's back. "RRRAHHH!" Misaka rushes, killing the goblin that cut her. An archer goblin fires an arrow and a goblin swordsman rushes. Misaka blocks the swordsman but the arrow impales her thigh. "You little shit." Misaka snaps the arrow off and leaves the impaled bit of the arrow in her leg. She closes her eyes and takes a kendo stance. "Listen for every step. Every bowstring pulled. Then they shall be vanquished." Misaka takes deep breaths. A goblin swordsman rushes and attacks her. "HUP!" She slashes downward but the goblin blocks it and gets slammed into the ground. She turns her blade edge and slices the goblin's throat. An arrow gets fired and she dodges it. Another arrow fires at her and she blocks it with her sword as she starts to walk forward. She continues to block and dodge arrows. Suddenly the magic circle glows brighter and the blood it was drawn in boils. A hand smashes through the ground and it makes Misaka stumble as it shakes the ground. The Dialogue Box pops up "You're too late."

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