Game III: The First Quest

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Misaka rushes over to the quest posting board. "What? What's wrong?" "Nothing is wrong" Utama says. "There is a new quest and it pays a crap ton of Rubies, look at it." Yamato says. Misaka looks at the quest board. The quest board says go to the icy mountain tops of Ice Peak and defeat the monster named Jolick. The Difficulty for this quest is three stars. The reward for this quest is 300 Rubies. "What does the three-star difficulty mean?" Misaka asks. "It means that's how hard the quest is going to be. One star is the easiest and six stars is the hardest." Yakima says. "Misaka, you should do the quest." Akuza says. "I do not know how to use a sword properly, I also do not have a sword." Misaka says. Here you can use mine." Yamato says. Yamato gives Misaka his sword. "I will teach you how to wield a sword correctly." Akuza says. Really you will? Mikasa says. "Of course, your part of the guild now." "Thanks Akuza you're really nice." "Let's start." Akuza says "Right now?" Misaka says "Yes right now, how are you supposed to do the quest without any training?" "You do have a point, okay let's start." Misaka says. Akuza shows Misaka her thrust technique.

"What you want to do is push the sword straight out in front of you till your arms are straight as hard as you can." "Yrahhhh! How was that?" Misaka says. "It's was really good for your first try, now let's try slashing." Akuza shows Misaka how to slash. "Now I want you to try." "Ffffahhhhhhh!, how was that?" Misaka asks. "It needs some work but you got it down, that's all you need to know for now. I think you're ready to go on that quest. Oh, one more thing that quest is worth 300 Rubies, not your life make sure you come back." Akuza says. "Thank you so much for everything, you're a really big help." "Hey, it's no problem I'm just helping out a fellow guild mate." Misaka leaves the guild hall to go to the Guild Information booth. "Hello, my name is Misaka from Utama's guild. I would like to accept this quest." Misaka hands the guild information broker the quest page. "Alright I stamped the quest next to your guilds name and your name. When and if you come back you will get your Rubies, and you are able to keep the drop from the monster." The broker says. "Okay". "Now you may start your quest." A dialogue box pops up "Quest Started" Misaka leaves the quest accepting booth and arrives at the base of the mountain at Ice Peak.

"So, this monster is at the top of this mountain? Misaka looks up the mountain. The mountain looks very treacherous with snow, large rocks, and even larger trees. "Wow, that's a long way up." Misaka begins her journey up the mountain. She takes half a day's time to get to the halfway point of the mountain, and at the halfway point she finds a cave. "It's so cold up here. I should be build a fire and rest for the night." She leaves the cave to search for some firewood. Misaka looks around and sees a sign. The sign reads. "Caution: Snow Trolls Ahead". "Oh great this is just what I need." Misaka gets her sword ready and she hears rustling in the nearby trees.

"Something is coming." A snow troll runs towards Misaka and jumps on her. The snow troll cuts Misaka's face and drags its claws down her shoulder. "Ahhhh! You mother fffff!" Misaka thrusts her blade into the troll's torso. Misaka pulls her blade out of the troll, slicing her way through the torso of it. The troll is still living. She pins the troll to the ground and it throws her off. "I'm struggling already?" She stands up. "Here we go." The troll charges her, as the troll charges her she steps to the side and with one fatal slash she slices the troll's neck open, almost beheading it. The troll dies shortly after.

Misaka walks up to the troll and opens the thrust wound from earlier while cutting some meat off of it. "This should be good to eat, hopefully." She looks at the ground next to the troll. "Ooo a drop!" The drop is a special potion called staminup. "Alright now let's find some wood. '' She puts the troll meat into her pockets. She continues to walk looking for firewood. "You know, there would have been no way I would've been able to cut something up like that back home." She looks around some more going further into the wooded area. "Ah! I found some wood. Nice and dry too." She heads back to the cave and sets up a fire. She places two sticks on either side of the fire and places a piece of the troll meat on another stick. She places the troll meat on a stick on top of the other sticks so it is overhanging the fire. "I wonder what kind of monster it's going to be." Once it is done eating she takes a bite of the troll meat. "This sh*t is gross. Better than dying of hunger though." Misaka finishes eating her food.

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