Game VIII: Death

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Misaka is now in a white room, a dialogue box pops up and says "You have been killed." Misaka vomits. "Wh-What the hell happened?" "You have died, child." A disembodied voice says. "I have died?" Misaka says, looking around the white room. "Yes child you have died." The voice says again. "Where are you?" Misaka says. "Child you will not be able to see me. I am in the ethereal plain. I can only communicate to you like this because the god of man allows it." The voice says. "The god of man? Ethereal plain? I don't understand." She says. "It's alright my child. In order for you to be the ****** you must be reborn again." The voice says. "Be the what? I couldn't understand you." Misaka says confused. "The ******, child. I shall resurrect you now but you cannot pass through the white room again or you will die forever." The voice says. "O-Okay I will be the best whatever you said!" Misaka says. I dialogue box pops up saying "You have been given another chance." The space around her warps and she is teleported back into her body. She sits up coughing up blood. Misaka looks around for Yakima but she is nowhere to be found. The dialogue box in the sky has also disappeared. The other guild members come running to her aid. "The boss zone is down! Go help Misaka!" Utama yells.

Yamato and Utama run over to Misaka and help her up off the ground. "Are you okay? How did you survive that?" Yamato says. Misaka touches her head where the sword would have penetrated but, there is only blood on her head. "Y-Yeah I suppose I am fine." She says confused. "How is Akuza? Is she okay?" Misaka looks to Utama. He clenchs his fist and shakes his head. "H-How did this happen? First we lose Yakima then Akuza too? We are losing everyone. Next it could be you Yamato or you Utama. We need to do something to fix this. We don't have time to lay around and sulk. The Outlaw Guild has been dealt with we need to go back." Misaka says. "She is right Yamato we need to move before things get even more out of hand." Utama says.

The guild begins to go back to Lisotannia. "Alright gang we need to head to the Guild Broker as that's how we turn in Grand Quests." Utama says. The guild arrives at Lisotannia. "Alright everyone let's go." Utama says. The guild goes to the guild Broker. "We have completed the Grand Quest of defeating the outlaw guild." Utama says to the Guild Broker. "A Grand Quest? Let me see the poster." The broker says. Utama takes the poster out of his pocket and unfolds it, then hands it off to the Guild Broker. "Hmm let's see. Outlaw Guild, Guild Masters stamp mhm mhm alright. This looks legit. Do you have proof that you have beaten the guild leader?" The broker asks.

"What kind of proof would we need?" Utama asks. "The crest of the guild leader. It's a crest you can obtain by looking through the belongings of the guild leader. Similar to you and your guild leader crest." The broker says. "W-We do not have the crest." Utama says. "Then it seems our conversation is over. Obtain the crest then come back to me." The broker says while handing the quest poster back to Utama. The guild goes back to the guild hall and they sit at one of the tables. "We lost Akuza for nothing! That b**ch Yakima had destroyed our guild hall and then takes our next in line for guild leader. F**k! Of course we had to defeat the boss to obtain the shit we needed but she has become to strong!" Utama says while repeatedly punching the table. 

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