Game XX: The Recruiter

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Daichi heads back to his office as he hears a messenger pigeon fly into the room. "An important note has arrived in my office. I must go." Daichi walks into his office and grabs the note from the pigeon. It reads "I'll be there within the hour. Signed Etsuko." Daichi's face lights up. "This is amazing! This is a good opportunity for us to grow!" He says excitedly as he rushes down the stairs finding Misaka and Utama talking to each other. "Both of you shut up. I have an announcement. Etsuko will be here in an hour." Daichi says. "I'm so excited to meet her even though I don't know who she is! Misaka says jumping up and down excitedly. Yamato looks at Misaka facepalming. "Only Misaka." Yamato says weirded out. "Why did I say that? It's almost like our world was created by a supernatural being telling our story and he predicts everything that happens to us and-and."Yamato says, fast as h*ll. "What the f*ck Yamato." Daichi says concerned. "Are you drinking again?" Utama asks Yamato as Misaka leaves the room because the tension is awkward. A knock is heard on the door. "Is this the Shadow Light guild hall?" A disembodied voice says. "SHE'S HERE! EVERYBODY STAY CALM!" Utama yells while everyone else is calm.

"Hello?" The person knocking says. Daichi walks to the door and opens it. "Hello, I am Daichi. I am the accountant that sent a messenger pigeon to you, to summon you here. I can have an office built for you upstairs but, come in and meet our current team." Daichi says. "Well first off y'all are small time and I love a challenge. So, this is the perfect opportunity for me. Plus I can see that you're heading down the right path and I want to help. Y'all had a lot of courage going after the Outlaw Guild like you did and the Orc Monster King. I heard that a woman from Shadow Light fought against the Monster King and almost won. Another crazy thing is that I also heard she fought Varkos the Innocent's Slayer and won on her first attempt. So, I was more than happy to receive your letter Daichi. Do you mind if I come in? Etsuko says. "Of course!" Daichi says as he steps aside, letting Etsuko into the guild hall. "Wow this place is actually really nice and clean." She says as Misaka comes out of a back room. Utama walks up to Etsuko. "Hello, I am Utama, the Guild Leader of Shadow Light." Yamato walks up to Etsuko. "Hey there, I'm Yamato, the Shadow of the Right. Which essentially means that I'm the second in charge." He says confidently. Misaka walks up to Etsuko as the others did. "You're Misaka, Shadow of the Left. I have heard of your many achievements. You're the character I am most interested in. You have a lot of potential." Etsuko says. "Someone like you knows someone like me?" Misaka says. "Of course! Junior General Scott told me all about you!" Etsuko says to Misaka, smiling.

"Now let's see this area for the new office." Etsuko says to Daichi, smiling. "Right this way." Daichi leads Etsuko up the stairs. "This place is really nice for having such a small guild." Etsuko says. "We pride ourselves on being the most organized and cleanly guild this side of Lisotannia. We are looking to expand into an army of adventurers. So we can go on many dungeon raids and become the top 20 guilds in the land. Here is our stop though." Daichi says as they stop in front of a door and Daichi opens it. It's a big office space ready to be used by yourself. It was constructed with a recruiter in mind. It comes with a private bathroom and living quarters if you choose to live here as the rest of us have. It's usually quiet except for the leisure room but, you can't hear them down there. Due to our builders adding sound dampening within the leisure room." Daichi says. "Wow this place is a lot more advanced than it looks. I have my baggage outside with my attendant. Etsuko says as she walks downstairs and opens the guild hall's main door. Come in Itsune."

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