Game XIX: To Gain Strength

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She passes by the sign in the City Center and walks to the market. Hmmm, I wonder what the armor guy has today. Misaka walks to the armor vendor building and walks inside. "Welcome back! It's good to see you again Misaka. Congratulations on killing Varkos." The armorer says, "Well it was no easy feat but, he wasn't the mightiest foe I have fought. I once fought the Monster King himself. Of course, I was defeated but I dealt a lot of damage to him before the Royal Army came and finished him off." Misaka says excitedly. "I wish I could be an adventurer again. Sadly my mates and I went on a quest to kill the frost troll Jolick. They perished and I lost one of my legs." The armorer says as he steps out from behind the counter revealing his one wooden leg. "I made it myself. I can move it like a real leg using magic. I just can't run or jump anymore. The magic can't keep up with my brain." The armorer sighs, "Well thanks for listening to this old man's story. You know what, pick two items you want, they're on the house." The armorer says smiling. "Really?!" Misaka says excitedly as she goes to look around the shop. She looks at some armor plates. A label reads. "Reinforced Iron Plate. Reinforced by Royal Blacksmiths. Limited Edition." Misaka picks it up. "I want this and these Reinforced Gauntlets." She says. "That would be perfect, just take them." Misaka takes them and leaves. "Thank you!" A Dialogue Box pops up. "Reinforced Chest Plate & Gauntlets. Gives 75% damage reduction when below 40 life force otherwise gives 35% damage reduction." "Wow, these are really nice armor items. These will be awesome for fighting bosses." She sighs, "I wonder when I will get to go home. I really miss Ryu. I want to see him again." Misaka says.

"When I get home I'm going to tell him about all the adventures I went on. I wonder where he is." She says as she starts to walk back towards the guild hall. "I'll kill all the bad guy's in this game so I can go home!" Misaka says as she walks all the way to the guild hall. She arrives at the guild hall. "I'm back again. I'm going to drop my stuff off in my room then go train." Misaka says, "I'll come train with you. I don't want to get rusty." Utama says, "Sounds like fun!" Misaka says. Utama goes up the stairs to his office and unlocks a case that contains his halberd. He grabs it and walks down the stairs. "Let's go outside in the yard." Utama says, Utama leaves the guild hall with Misaka in tow. "First one to surrender wins. We will not be physically harming each other. This is training only, so have some restraint." Utama says while getting in his preferred stance before he swings his halberd. Misaka dodges the halberd but Utama recovers quickly and thrusts toward Misaka in quick succession. Misaka dodges three thrusts but blocks the next. The block staggers her and pushes her back. Misaka uses her sword to stop sliding. As she looks up, Utama is already rushing her. He swings his halberd from close range and she blocks it, the strike sends her sword flying. "Alright, Alright you win." Misaka says panting and sitting on the ground. "Your movements seem slow but they are really calculated." Misaka says, "That's because you're not seeing the full picture. You only see movement. You're not looking at the direction of my feet or my eyes. You made your movements very obvious and I knew that you were not going to be able to challenge me." Utama says.

"Was I that obvious?" Misaka says somberly. "Did it look like I could predict your every move?" Utama says looking at Misaka. "Yes, I noticed that I didn't have a chance." She says to Utama. "You're not done yet. Stand up." Utama says as he gets into position. Misaka gets up to her feet. "Watch my eyes and feet Misaka. Look closely and pay attention. Prepare yourself." Utama says in a serious tone. Misaka takes a kendo stance. Utama moves his feet to swing his halberd but Misaka jumps. "Misaka, you didn't look at my eyes. Both the eyes and feet are important. You must pay attention to both because I didn't move." "Okay, I'll do it this time." Utama moves his feet for a swing. Misaka glances up at his eyes as he swings his halberd. She jumps over the halberd. "I knew the attack was coming before it even happened. Just from something so simple." Misaka says, "Haha, you finally get it. The human is a simple being, they must move and look in the direction they are going to attack in order to hit their target." Misaka smiles. "This will be extremely useful. Thank you, Guild Master." Misaka says humbly, "I suppose I still have much to learn, Guild Master." She says. "Let's continue our spar." Utama says as he gets into position. " She charges Utama swinging her sword at him. He blocks her sword and shoves her back. As he shoves her back he swings his halberd at her, Misaka blocks it but, she gets pushed back. He rushes her but she slides under his legs she swings her sword and stops at his neck. "Checkmate Guild Leader. Haha" Misaka says excitedly. "You learn quickly." He says.

"Those skills will help you get out of dire situations. Have you awakened your weapon technique yet?" Utama says. "I have not sir. I wouldn't even know how to go about obtaining it." She says, "It will come to you naturally. I still wonder what that blast that you did was when we were in that village." Utama says confused. "I am not sure about that either." She says. "I'll look into it more for you." Utama says. They walk back into the guild hall. Daichi is sitting in the leisure area. "How did the sparring go? I heard it in here. Haha" He says, "I have improved quite a bit thanks to the Guild Leader." She says. "Haha, I guess you can still train people Utama." Daichi says. "Shut it, old man." Utama says. Daichi laughs a hearty laugh. There's the little bonehead I remember training. Daichi says, Utama looks at Daichi upset. "How goes your accounting?" Utama says. "Well, I have secured a recruiter to join us. He will work on marketing and recruiting for our guild. He used to be with Heaven's Gate, you know the number one guild in Lisotannia that makes up more than half of the Royal Army? That Heaven's Gate." Daichi says with a smug expression on his face. "How did you manage that?" Utama asks with a return smug. "You know, me and my connections." Daichi says laughing. "Etsuko? The ex-recruiter of Heaven's Gate? Utama asks, "The one and only. She should be on her way." Daichi says.

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